Romeo and Juliet (Ticci Toby x Zalgo's!daughter!reader)

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Hey guys! This oneshot was requested by Purple_Viola. Thanks for the request.

Also, I do apologize if I get something wrong or I mess up halfway, I don't know much about Romeo and Juliet.

Y/n L/n is the beautiful daughter of Zalgo, the Demon Lord and enemy of the famous creepypastas.

Tobias Eren Rogers, who is now known as Ticci-Toby, the adopted son and loyal proxy of SlenderMan.

The two children both are being raised to try and defeat each other's headquarters.

Both being told lies about the latter's child by their fathers, telling them to kill any one from the opposing side on sight.

But what happens when the two encounter each other in the woods and neither can muster up the courage to kill the other?

Toby's POV:
I let out a sigh as I plopped down on my bed in room. I wasn't in the mood to see anyone today, not after another day of intense training.

At this point, I just wanted to get away for a while. Dad kept saying that he's been training me harder because of Zalgo's daughter. He says she's no good and is just as bad as her father.

A part of me doesn't believe it. But only 5%. Of course, I could never tell Slender that.

I don't believe anyone is like their parents. Dad kept saying that she has insane power. He also says she's heartless and kills with no mercy.

'I'd like to see that for myself.' I thought with a scoff.

A knock on the door knocked me out of my thoughts. My head snapped to my door,"W-ho is i-t?"


"Com-e on in." I yelled.

A second later,the door opened, revealing my brunet haired partner and step brother.

"Hey bro bro." Masky smiled as he closed the door behind him.

"Hey." I mumbled as I buried my face into the pillow I was hugging.

I felt the bed dip beside me and didn't have to look up to know that it was Masky.

"Intense training?" He questioned.

I hummed in response.

"You must be sore."

I hummed again.

I felt the weight beside me leave.

"Well, get some rest then. I have a feeling Slender is going to be harder on ya tomorrow." He chuckled.

I heard a door click, but before he could step out, I raised my head.

"Ma-sky! Wa-it!" I exclaimed.

He stopped and turned to me, eyebrow raised,"Yeah?"

I nervously bit the inside of my not ripped through cheek as I twiddled my gloved fingers in my lap.

"W-what do y-ou think abou-t Zalg-o's daugh-ter?" I hesitantly questioned.


I slowly looked up to see Masky staring at me confused.

Masky scoffed,"What's there to think about? She's evil. Dangerous. A huge threat to us. Especially you, me and Hoodie. If you ever see her, I suggest you drive that hatchet through her heart."

"B-bu-t what about Zalgo? He'd go bezerk, wouldn't he? If we killed his only daughter?" I mumbled.

Masky hummed as he thought about it. "Well, I guess. But, he would know that this would happen. So, it's not really our fault." He shrugged.

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