Ghost Of You (Homicidal Liu x dead!female!reader)

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Third Person's POV:
Liu sniffled as he slid down the closed door of their- his house.

Why? Why did he let her go?

If he didn't let her go out that evening, she would've still been here.

If only he knew that was the last time he would ever hear her sweet voice and see her bright smile.

He would've held her longer and inhaled her sweet (favorite flower) scent.

He remembered it like it was yesterday.

The day his love passed on.

"Liu? Sully?" Y/n called out, wrapping her black and (f/c) scarf around her neck.

"In the kitchen dear!" Liu called out.

Y/n smiled as she walked into the kitchen, her heels clicking against the wooden floor.

She found Liu, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up as he wore a grey apron.

He was chopping up some vegetables and his back was towards her.

She smiled, walking up to the love of her life and wrapping her small arms around his slender torso, burying her face in his back.

Liu chuckled as he looked down, seeing her small s/c hands around him, the f/c and silver ring on her left ring finger sparkling.

He couldn't believe he'd married the girl he loved.

He could never picture himself married to anybody after the incident.

But here he was, cooking in the kitchen while his wife's hands were wrapped around him.

"What's the problem, dear?" Liu questioned, turning the stove off before turning around, wrapping his long are around her petite waist.

Y/n looked up at Liu, her bright e/c eyes shinning in adoration.

Liu smiled softly as he ran a hand through her h/l h/c locks.

"I was just going to head out to the store to get some stuff and I wanted to know if there was anything you wanted?" She questioned softly.

Liu smiled fondly at her.

She's still so kind.

"Not really." He chuckled.

"Okay than." She smiled, turning around and escaping from his arms, well, trying to escape.

"Liu~" Y/n whined, throwing her head back against his chest.

"Yes, love?" He smirked teasingly.

"Let me go~ I have to go before the store closes." She explained.

He hummed, looking up as if he was thinking before looking down into her e/c eyes.

"No." He smiled.


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