Chapter: 7 Kidnapped by The Assassin's

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Chapter: 7

Madeline's POV:

My vision was blurry as I didn't know where I was and with that thought. I instantly sat up and end up coughing. My throat, I remember everything that had happened last night. He will pay and this time I will not hesitate to put an end to his miserable little life. First, I need to know where I am. Who save me last night? Was it friend or foe? So far, it looks like friend, but I don't recognize the room that I am in.

It looks more secretive than ours, where we had windows to look out. My insides seem to tighten as a dreaded feeling was seeping into me. I can't quiet the small voice warning me that I'm in the enemies lair. This is where they end my life for good if I don't tell them what they want. I look around trying to find someway out of here, but there is none. No windows, no doors except for one and so far I don't recognize that any of these walls could have a secret passage behind their walls.

The door knob began to rattle as I heard a click, before the door open to reveal the man that I had ran into again and again. He had lock me in and I wouldn't have guess that they take every measure to keep us Templars at bay. There was a smirk on his face as I only glare at him. I didn't say anything and neither did he. It was like we were seizing up each other and I was losing the battle as I want to lash out at him.

"Don't I get a thank you for saving your arse, miss?" He asked with that smirk across his lips.

"Who said anything about thanking an assassin, who took a Templar in? The real question is, why didn't you killed me?" I said and asked.

"A smart woman is in my presence, I can say that the Templars regard you highly. Do they not?" He asked as he walk over to the far side of the room.

"That's my business..." I answered as I realize my cloak was off.

"Of course it is" He said walking back over to me.

I look at him as I couldn't see his eyes as they were cover by the hood, but I know he can see me clearly as day. I know not to be deceive by an assassin like him. We were quiet as we were looking at each other and he murmured "I can see that you're on edge. You can relax, mademoiselle. We won't harm you. I simply would like answers from you"

"Answers about what?" I asked as I was curious.

"Well, you already know one of my questions" He answered smirking.

"What are your others?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

He stood there looking at me as he answered and asked "Were you at the Versailles conference when you were a young girl?"

"That's clearly none of your business" I answered.

I could tell he was annoyed as he asked "Fine. Answer this one then, why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?"

My eyes widen at him as I knew he saw my expression and I look away from him. Why didn't I killed him right there in that alley? I had the upper hand and except for killing him. I just knee his spot where the sun doesn't shine and shove him over onto his side. So, the question is why didn't I killed him?

I could tell there was a smirk on his lips and I look back at him with a narrow glance "That's for my own personal reasons"

"Ah... so it's personal?" He asked smirking.

My anger came through me as I was foolish to fall for his trick question. He trying to get into my head and I will not let him. Two can play this game and I will not lose to some cocky Assassin. "Why is it the lady so important then?" I asked "Did something happen to her? Was it your fault? I did hear something about how she died, but I was on an assignment then."

He lost his cool with me as he grab my throat and hissed out "Do not speak of that again"

"Then don't ask questions that you don't want to hear the answer to them then" I said smirking "Assassin...two can play this game and I will not lose to you"

"We'll see about that...Templar" He said as he let go of my throat and walk out of the room. He slam the door shut as I heard the click of a lock being in place. I let out a sigh of relief as I touch my throat feeling the bruises that my so called fellow Templar left behind from his hands. A shiver went through me as I don't know why I'm being so stubborn to them. When I want to join because I want to be free, but the Templar's will not take betrayal well.

I will become their target and I will put everyone at risk... So, I guess for now. I will have to play this out until I can figure a way out of here.


Arno's POV:

That woman struck a cord inside of me and I can't believe I lost my cool in front of her. Now, she knows that by saying something about Elise will throw me off. This woman is good and she keeps turning the tables around on me. I did get into her head a little and why she left me alive was to her own personal reasons. So, what is she planning and why?

"I never seen you lose you're cool like that..." A familiar worry voice filter through my mind.

"I couldn't help it..." I murmured to him.

"Why don't you just threaten to kill her then?" He asked.

"Because if I do that, she'll be grateful to end her life then and there" I answered.

"There must be someway to know the answers that you want..." Will said murmuring.

"I will just have to keep at her" I answered "Finding news way to break into her"

Will was quiet "Why did her fellow Templar try to kill her? Do you think she is a traitor to them?"

"If she was, why does she still bear the Templar's cross then?" I asked.

"Probably to hide herself among their ranks, but if she is with them. Then why? What's going on in the Templar order? I never heard of a Templar trying to kill another one. They all have one purpose and that purpose is to follow their leader into world domination" Will answered.

I made an 'hmm' noise as I said "You might be onto something, William"

He smile at me "I'm glad I could be of service to you"

"Come, let's take a walk before I start to question her again" I said patting William on the shoulder.

He nodded "Okay"

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