Chapter: 13 A Stinging Confrontation

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Chapter: 13

Madeline's POV:

I couldn't believe that I had cry in front of him and I don't know if that was his goal or not, but my heart was racing away he had embrace me. I couldn't believe what my heart did or by the simple way that he had touch me. The kink that was in my neck was gone now, thanks to him. After arguing with Arno about his outfit, I finally gave in and put the damn thing on. I sort of look foolish in it as I didn't really feel comfortable in this outfit. It's what change feels like and I have to grow accustom to it, whether I like it or not. That's final.

My mind seem to ease as I haven't seen that group in a couple of days now. It's a good thing as well because I was beginning to think I have some group coming after me. I was a little hesitate to go to bed that following night after what had happened in the old library, but nothing really happen between us. It was just a simple embrace, nothing more. It was comfort...something that I'm not use to, but I couldn't help of how much I like being hold. It felt nice for a change to actually be comforted by someone who...

Does he care about me? Could I really trust him? I began to feel hope blooming in my chest and I knew that was bad sign. He must have touch me to deeply or he must have made my barriers weak. I don't feel, I only use logic, because logic can get a person in the right place. A person using their feelings is throwing them to the wolves for lunch. I can't be feeling like this! He has made me feel vulnerable once more!

I wasn't paying attention as I was walking back to my dorm as arms grab the front of my uniform as my hood fell down to reveal my long red hair. I got slam against the wall as my head collided with the wall and my eyesight became a little blurry. " it the wanna-be-assassin-girl" A woman's voice drifted though my ears.

I look at the woman to see that she was short than I was and I was surprised that she could use such force. A smirk spread across my lips "Well, if it isn't the little girl who has her panties in a twist...or should I say a jealous little girl?"

She threw me against the wall again making my head collide with the wall once more. My head was beginning to pound from the pain ricocheting through my head. The woman's lackey's were smiling and I caught the color of the woman's hair as it was pale blonde. "I suggest you don't say another word... I will show you what a true Assassin does to a little girl who doesn't know her place. You should have stay with the Templars! You guys are complete low-lives who doesn't know the meaning of freedom and never will. You hunt people like us down and end our lives because we risk throwing your order out of bounds or because it simply means one assassin down and more to go"

I look at her sadly as I relax my tense shoulders as I knew she was right and I murmured softly "We had no right to murder families or take families away..."

She shove me against the wall again and this time she unsheathe her blade as it was press against my neck "Shut up! You Templars don't know a thing!"

"I will if we could be sensible enough to actually sit down and work things out, but it always has to resort to violence" I said giving her a narrow look "You guys are the ones that don't know what being a Templar is like...why should you guys be the only ones to judge us? We have the right to judge you as well"

She dig her blade into my neck as I began to feel the sticky liquid called blood running down my neck "Shut up before I end your life right now!"

"Go ahead! What's stopping you from doing it?" I shouted at her.

She was hesitate as her buddies said "Kill her and get it over with before someone comes and sees us"

"Those Templars have taken everything away from us..." The other guy on her right said.

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