Chapter: 53 End of The Battle

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Chapter: 53

Madeline's POV:

We were back at it once more with each other. My blade got his arms and his blades in return got me on the legs. My fist met with his cheek as it felt good to show him that I wasn't some daughter of his. It made me furious in what he had been doing to me. He murdered my mother in cold blood and didn't even care that he did. He's going to pay for his life!

We broke apart once more and I shouted, "How are you liking your so called daughter now?"

"Annoying." He growled out through clench teeth.

His answer stabbed me in my heart, but he was never my father in the beginning. My anger and hatred surge up and I spoke lowly with malice, "I will end you, if I have to died trying!"

"Fine by me." He spoke with a deadly calm tone before clashing his hidden blade with mine.

We struggle like that for a few moments before breaking away from each other. I narrowed my eyes while noticing that this fight wasn't going anywhere. The door was still wide open and a smirk formed over my lips. I burst through the door while shouting over my shoulder, "Catch me if you can!"

I burst into full speed out of the room and pounded the floor underneath my feet. The freedom was pure adrenaline running through me making me go faster. The hallways had a lot of twist and turns, but I managed to follow them. I burst into a large lobby area, but didn't see any doors. There were windows, but the last time that I had tried that. I had almost falling toward my death. Twice. It wasn't a very promising outcome, but it might have to come in handy later.

My father came bursting into the room and I didn't realized how close he had caught up to me. I turn around in time to block his hit and ended up pushing myself backwards away from him. We glare out each other and the mutual hate was there. I wasn't going to back down from him and neither was he. It was me and him standing in front of each other. My hatred was burning in me and I needed a little more time to try and escape from him. Where do I escape from him inside of this building? The window is not high, but the fall could be fatal. 

He strike me and I block him with my hand. He use his free hand, but I caught that as well. I shove him away from him and back away from him quickly. Before he had the time to gather himself upright, I was already swinging my fists. I use my wrist to leave cuts on his arm and one injured shoulder. My blade was soak with his blood and I flick my hand outwards watching the droplets fall to the floor. My father let out an angry growled before swinging out with his fist. I dodged again, but he kept coming at me even when he was injured. 

My teeth clench together and I realized how much I had made him angry, but I didn't care. He deserved it after everything he had put us through and put me through. He was no father to me at all. He was another man standing in my way of accomplishing my goals. I was no fool, but if I had to died today then I will take him down with me. He will not win. A snarled of rage escape from me and I got his side again. He grunted with pain as I got his other side. He move away from me clutching his sides. I snarled out through clench teeth, "I'm not like my mother. I will win against you."

He only narrowed his eyes at me and murmured through his pain, "Your mother let me cut her down right then and there. She was a strong opponent and couldn't be beaten even if I had tried." 

My anger deflated a little, but my anguish rise to replace it. My tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I raise my blade to him, "My mother would still be alive today, if it hadn't be you destroying us!" 

I let out a scream and went straight for him. His eyes widen in terrified and he didn't move. I was close to him feeling my victory already. My blade barely reached his neck before something sharp penetrated my stomach. My eyes look down to see a dagger in my stomach and in one swift motion. I sank my blade into his neck. The blood seeped through down him as he fell over onto his side. 

My feet swayed before I collapsed onto my knees. The blood was soaking through my clothing and tears were going down my cheeks. Is this really how I'm going to died? I murmured, "Arno..." 

I collapsed onto my side while my vision was going blurry and the darkness was slowly coming to take me away. The only thing that I had did was failed the one that I had loved. He was going to lose me like he did with Elise and I was a complete fool. I underestimate my father and had fallen into his trap. Now, I lay here bleeding to death by this damn dagger that is in my stomach. The war can't be stop now. 

Before I close my eyes, I thought I saw something glowing brightly. 


Arno's POV: 

My stomach twisted painfully and I stumble in my walk. Julian caught a hold of me and asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Yes, I'm fine."

"You stumble and clenching your stomach. Obviously, you're not fine." He snapped out at the end.

I didn't realize that I was clenching my stomach. It was out of habit when something feels wrong. It was a gut instinct. I let out a sigh before looking over at him, "Something is wrong and I know it is."

Julian nodded grimly before pointing to the building ahead of us. "I believe it is this building. We will find Madeline."

I nodded again before we walk inside together. The feeling of dread was strong and I was completely scared out of my wits. Madeline has to be okay. She must be okay. I can only hope that is true. My nerves were twisting themselves while we walk more into the building. It was large and the hallways were spacious and it look broken down. I notice some wood was topple over one another and the windows were busted out. I realized that this building was still under construction after the French Revolution. 

We found a set of staircase giving a quick survey of the hallway behind us before making our up way upstairs. My eyes scanned around the second floor and I notice the same thing up here that was downstairs. This was more in ruin than the first floor, but the wreckage didn't stop us from walking over falling walls. Julian stopped and grabbed my sleeve to stop me as well. I look back at him and notice that his eyes were narrow. He was searching for something and I knew who it was instantly. We were being watch by the three traitors.

It was only a short moment before they appeared before us. Julian was ready and I was prepare too. The traitors gave us a smirk, but didn't say anything. We were tense with each other and I demanded, "Where is Madeline?"

The girl answered, "She is dead."

Julian added and while stopping me at the same time, "Stop. She's lying. Her eyebrow twitches just like Madeline's."

That statement made me really annoyed and I turn my head to give him a look. He threw me a smug smile before nodding his head to the traitors. The girl look annoyed as well and a little angry. Julian continued, "She doesn't know whether or not Madeline is alive or not."

"Then I guess we have to make her speak then." I asked tilting my head.

"That is quite right." Julian nodded.

The three look annoyed and more angrier with us. All three of them came at us and we were ready for them. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't difficult. They aren't novices at all and they were somewhat skilled. The girl knew how to block and the guys had the same moves as her. It made me realized that they had train frequently together. Time had sharpen their skills, but not enough where Julian and I still had the upper hand on them. We were dodging them easy and striking them when we got an opening. Once we had bash their heads in, they lay on the ground knockout.

Julian chuckle amused by the fight, "That was some workout."

I rolled my eyes before going down the hallway that the traitors came from. She has to be somewhere around here. I know she is. Julian caught up to me easily and began to look around while I search the empty rooms.

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