Chapter: 46 Strong Emotions

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Chapter: 46

Madeline's POV: 

We came back to the Bureau last night and discussed with William about everything that had went down. It still infuriates me to no end that my father left without trying to help us. My father is nothing more than a coward and I can't stand him from the moment that I had met him. He makes my blood boil to no end. My feet were quiet while walking down the quiet hallway. The students were in classes and I was done with mine. It had been quiet for a couple of days now. Arno and William both agreed for me to learn about the Creed some more while I got the chance too. It was completely different than what I was use to, but that's how the Templars and Assassins are different. 

I can see why the Assassins are more liberated than the Templars. It was different. but it still worries me about the war that is going to descend upon Paris soon. The civilians has no idea what they are in for. If we could stop their operations and actually cripple them. We might be able to stop this whole war from going anywhere. I wasted my days speaking with my father. I need to get back to the Templars and found out what they are up to. The Templars will be more guarded this time than the others that I have gotten rid of. It still won't stop us. I will complete this if it's the last thing that I will do. 

My hand reached up and I use my knuckle to knock on the door. There was no answer and I made a face. I slowly reach for the door knob and turn it slowly. I open the door and peered inside the office. My eyes widen to see Arno sleeping on the sofa and it was the most adorable scene that I have ever seen. I walk into the room and over to him. A soft smile spread across my lips as I bend over a little. My fingers slowly move a loose strand of dark brown hair from his face that had fell out of his ponytail. I place a soft kiss on his forehead before standing up fully. 

It's not common to see Arno still sleeping late in the morning, but I can understand with everything that had happened. He'll need all the sleep that he could get. I look on the desk to see that he was up late last night doing these papers. I realize he was looking into the rest of the Templars that were alive still. All there was left was Julian, Thomas and then the Grandmaster. It was going to be much harder to get rid of these Templars. Julian has helped from one of his many brothers that is in the Templar order with him. He doesn't come by on regular basis, but now with their numbers growing thin. They would need Templars more than ever. 

I have to take them out soon. I need to keep on it and my father is only making matters worst. My father is up to something, but what could it be? What does he want? Is there a purpose behind all of this? Why has he come back? What motivation drove him to come here to see me? I don't want anything to do with him, but yet my father came back wanting his child. I'm no longer a little girl. My mother had died and my father had ran off. There is nothing to gain from me. He is nothing, but a distraction! 

A gasp escape from me as I felt strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I felt myself being drawn into the person's warm embrace. A soft smile spread across my lips as I felt a soft kiss against my neck. He whispered "Good morning, mon amour" 

"Hello Arno" I murmured back to him before he turn me around slowly. 

He look down at me and pressed a soft kiss against my lips. My hands went up his chest and entangled themselves around his neck. He pushed me against the desk as our lips were moving against each others slowly. I felt his hand moving up my back and into my auburn hair. He gripped some of my hair tugging it softly. It made all of my thoughts go away as a deep yearning was filling me. All I want was him. It my desire to have him- to feel his body against mine. I want him to know that he is mine and I won't let anything harm him. 

There was a knock on the door as he broke away from me quickly. He gave me a quick kiss before walking over to the door. I fix my hair quickly before straightening my robes out a little. I took a deep breathe while William's voice came through the door. Arno shut the door behind him and I turn around to face whatever William had interrupted us for. There was a smirk on Arno's lips and my eyes were on him. The warmth was flowing through me and it made me ache for him. I look away pushing the feeling down before I asked "Any news, William?" 

"Julian is planning something big along with his many brothers. I couldn't find where your father had taken off to, but I'm sure he'll be back. We have more important matters at hand and that is stopping Julian immediately" William answered. 

I nodded as Arno came over to his desk getting his papers organize once again. A smirk was spreading across my lips as it was my fault that I had mess up his papers. Arno looked down at the papers "It seems that he is out in a warehouse, but it's located by the river. I don't know where exactly at, but I'm sure once we find him. We can track him to the warehouse and then we got him" 

"We can't be sure about that, Arno. It's going to be much more guarded than the others. The Grandmaster said so" I gave him a worry look. 

"Don't fret, cher. We will be careful" He nodded and gave me a reassuring smile. 

William murmured "Now, where could Julian be at the moment?" 

"Going to meet his brother, I presume? He is always working closely with his siblings" I answered William.  

"Then from there we will follow him" Arno added in. 

"Agreed" William and I nodded together. 

"By the way, who was the traitors?" William asked. 

"The three who was causing trouble when she arrived here" Arno answered. 

"Do you mean when I was taken by my will?" I asked raising an eyebrow up at Arno. 

He look at me with a smirk "Sorry, I must have forgotten that part" 

I shook my head, but didn't say anything. William asked "What happened to them?" 

"I knock them out, but I didn't killed them" I answered. 

William frowned, but nodded "I guess that's okay. As long as they don't come after you again"

"I'm sure they will, but I will be ready" I reassured William. 

He nodded, but didn't say anything more about it. Arno spoke up "Shall we get a head start on this?" 

"Gladly" I answered. 

"I will stay here" William moving to where Arno was getting up from behind the desk. 

Arno grabbed my hand and intertwine our fingers together before we walk of the office. The door close right behind us once we enter the hallway. I asked "Why does William always stay here?" 

"He just prefers to stay indoors more than go out. He likes working with papers instead of trying to assassinate people" Arno answered bringing my hand up to his lips and placing a kiss on my hand. 

My cheeks were burning, but I quickly look away from him. He was making me unravelled and almost making me lose my control. I can't lose my control. We have to be responsible and not have our hands all over each other. We have to be role models for the students here. A gasp escape from me before I was push up against the wall with Arno's lips against mine. I made a surprised noise before he pulled away and murmured "Do you know how much I would love to have you in bed with me?" 

My cheeks were burning badly "Arno, we can't do this. Not right now" 

"No one is around us, mon amour" He whispered huskily. 

He was teasing me as he was hovering over my lips, but I flip us where Arno was against the wall. He was surprise, but I probably look dazed and my cheeks red as roses. I murmured with a smirk "Maybe later, but we have a job to do, monsieur"

He grin widely at me before bringing me in for another kiss that sent me way above the clouds. I could be here doing this with him all day, but we have a job to do. I promise myself and I promise the assassins that I will take down the Templars. I will get revenge and I will put the Grandmaster in his place. I wasn't expecting to fall in love with someone, but it just happened. I'm in love with Arno and he completes me in every where. I'm incredibly happy knowing that he loves me and I love him.  

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