Chapter: 9 The Escape

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Chapter: 9

Madeline's POV:

I felt kind of bad locking them in that room as they were new to all of this, but that's what they get for posting two new Assassin's to guard my room. They were male, so it was easy to seduce them. It works all the time with males, because it's their weakness that they have. No wonder, they want us to not have our rights to speak out. Then again those society rules doesn't effect me in the slightest.

These hallways didn't have any windows at all. What kind of place is this? I saw stairs and I had to avoid a couple of Assassin's here and there. It was strangely quiet and I only have so much time before they realize what had happened. They already might be looking for me, so now I have to step it up and escape from here.

These hallways are really long to and it was kind of different to see how an Assassin's bureau looks like from a Templar's bureau. I thought we were dark, but these Assassin's practically live in the dark. I slowly made my way up the stairs as I didn't hear any voices or footsteps. I wonder where everyone is. Aren't they usually here?

My stomach began to twist itself into knots and I don't know what to do, but try to escape from here. I slowly came to the first step of the stairwell as I look around the hallway. I didn't see anyone there, but I did see a window from where I was. That was my escape, but I didn't know how high we were off the ground. I don't even know how many floors there are to this building. I could have been on the lower floors or some floor.

Someone shouted "There she is! Get her!"

I look over my shoulder to see hooded Assassins coming after me and I realized that I stood here like a complete foolish woman. I ran down the hallway as the Assassin that shouted before, did it again "I say stop right there, Templar!"

There was more Assassin's in front of me, but that didn't stop me from running at them. They were in position to grab me, but that was the thing. Their legs were open, which makes for a perfect sliding in between the legs. I heard a familiar voice shouted "Wait!"

I burst through the window as I was falling and there was nothing there to stop my landing. I felt someone grab my ankle as I slam into the wall. I lay there limply as my head was spinning from the sudden impact. I felt myself being lifted up back into the bureau. Once, I was on my feet. I swung and my fist connected with his face. Instantly, I got restrain by the other Assassins. There was another male there as he had caught the Assassin that I despised so much.

I struggle against the other Assassins as he shouted "Enough!"

"No! I will not stop fighting against you! I will not be held like some prisoner here! I will have my freedom! And no one is going to stop me, not you nor the Templars!" I shouted back as everyone in the hallway was quiet.

I heard a murmured "She can't honestly want freedom..."

Another one "She must be lying..."

Another murmured "She's a Templar! They get whatever they want..."

"That's why we stop them" Another voice added.

They don't believe me, any of them. I can't even think of possibly joining them now. All they will ever see in me is a Templar that gets what she wants and it's true. I do get what I want when I want it. The Assassin in front of me was standing before me as I could tell he was shock by what I had said. "You want to know why I didn't killed you? It's because I thought maybe you guys can set me free from the hold of the Templar's, but I can see you're nothing, but liars! No better than the Templar's themselves!" I cry out as I grab a round object from one of the students pouches and let it drop to the ground.

I took a hold of a sword sheathe and began to make my way out of the group that had surrounded me. I hit everyone in the gut or the chest as the smoke had spread around the hallway. I took another one and once I was out of the group. I use it again and made my disappearance. The only thing through is that I'm really high up in their building. I have to go lower and that's means go back the way that I had come from.

My eyes were stinging from the smoke that I had let off upstairs and I was coughing from the smoke as I had inhale some of it. I'll be fine once I get out of here.


Arno's POV:

The smoke clear as it went out of the window as I shouted "All right! I had enough! We are Assassins and just because we are enemies with the Templars doesn't mean that a Templar can be brought to our side for the greater good! If I ever hear another word about how bad they are, you guys will be severely punish!"

A chorus of voices ran through the hallway's "Yes sir!"

"Now, go and find her!" I shouted as everyone took off.

"Arno, is it true what she had said?" William asked.

"Yes, because she would have killed me right then and there, except she left me. She hesitated, she can't killed innocents victims like the other Templars can. She helps them get away, a risky move on her part, but a good thing to have if she should join any Assassin's guild" I answered him.

"How can you be so sure?" William asked.

"Because she reminds me of someone that I use to know, someone that I thought would never change her Templar ways, but I was wrong. And I was wrong about the woman here. I knew there was something more to her story and now, I finally understand" I answered.

"Well, shall we go look for her then?" William asked.

"Indeed, we shall. Let's use the secret passage, it would be shorter and I know where she is going" I answered.

He nodded as I began to walk along the hallway to the secret passage way and push a stone in. The wall slide open as we both step inside and began to run down the long passage way.

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