Chapter: 45 Her Father's Disappearance

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Chapter: 45

Madeline's POV: 

I shook my head not believing that I had to deal with these three again. My father was standing next to me being absolutely quiet for some reason. It was kind of unnerving, but I can worry about that later. Right now, I have three inexperience students before that. I'm going to have fun showing them that I'm no longer a Templar, but an Assassin. I'm going to make them wish they leave even betrayed the Bureau. This is going to be sweet revenge as I stood there with a smirk on my face. I murmured "Well, this is not really unexpected" 

The blonde haired girl look over at me with anger written all over her face "And why's that? You! Of all people didn't even know who we were until we revealed ourselves!"

"True, but then again. You guys had it out for me when I came to the brotherhood" I tilted my head a little a her. I know this will get me into trouble, but I could see how angry she was getting. I want to provoke something out of her and make her attack me first. 

"You would have died on that day!" She shouted at me before rushing at me.

I got ready to defend myself against her and I felt my smirk spreading more across my lips. My hand turn into a fist and I drove it into her stomach before pushing her away from me. She fell backwards and down onto the floor. I look up at the guys to see them looking at me. My angry was flowing through me, but my wickedness was rearing its head. My father had disappeared further into the building leaving me here. I shook my head before striking one of the guy's cheek. They ended up swinging at me, but I managed to block them. They weren't landing a hit on me and I ducked from their swings. I use my foot to sweep their legs from underneath them. 

I called out "Go after my father!" 

Arno looked down at me and gave me a nod before hurrying to catch up with my father. I shove the other guy into the other one before they both topple over onto the round wooden table. They fell to the floor in a pile of limbs and my eyes lock onto the girl. She was standing up with her hidden blade out. We walk around each other slowly- seizing up one another. She was going down today whether she likes it or not. I had enough of her. This was going to end now. 


Arno's POV:

I race down the corridor to see where her father was going. What is he going to do? Why didn't he stay with Madeline? I knew from the moment that I had seen him was the moment that I didn't trust him. I didn't voice my worries to Madeline, but maybe I should have. She doesn't trust him either, but I know she wants answers from her father. There is something completely off with him and I have this hunch with what he had said earlier didn't make any sense at all. Why would the Grandmaster killed her mother for the position? He is an old man. He couldn't have done it himself, but I wouldn't know for sure until I could actually get some proof. 

My eyes scanned the room that I have come to, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. It was the same as all the Templar meeting places. It wasn't nothing new here. I walk further into the room, but it was nothing. I couldn't see where her father would run off to or disappeared to. Where could he be? I look around before going down a hallway. I was beginning to worry on how Madeline was doing with those three that I had to put with a strict instructor. Now they have the nerve to challenge the ordered and betraying it as well. Madeline will show them just who they are messing with. I have faith in her that she will give them what they deserve. 

There was still no signs of him anywhere and my stomach was twisting itself with not knowing where he could have gone to. I finally run into the last room, but he wasn't here at all. This didn't make any sense. There was no secret passages here. So, where the hell did he go to? What could he be looking for? The grandmaster isn't here and we basically walk into an ambush. I have a feeling that Madeline's father must have something to do with this, but I can't say anything about it. Madeline would not like the idea of her father being in some form of plan. I don't even know if I right. It's merely a hunch. Nothing more than that. 

A sigh escape from me as I turn around slowly. My eyes widen to see a fist coming straight at me and it happened so fast that I reacted late. The pain exploded where the bridge of my nose is and I was falling backwards onto the hard cold ground. There was black dots swarming my vision and I couldn't see who knock me out. My eyes close shut, but my ears pick up the sound of retreating footsteps. 


I had knock out the girl before dealing with the two guys that would not give up for nothing. I managed to get punches in, but they were striking right back at me. It was difficult trying to fight both of them, but I can do this. Arno is after my father and I'm going to deal with this two. I managed to drive my fist into one of the guy's stomach before bringing my knee up to meet his face. He fell onto his side as I duck to avoid from being grabbed from behind. I rolled out of the way knocking the guy off of his feet. He landed on the ground with a grunt. I got up onto my feet quickly and knock him out. I went over to the other and took his head to knock him out as well. 

My breathing was coming fast and I stood there looking at these three. My body felt battered and bruise, but I have come out victorious. They should know in trying to pick a fight with me. I walk into the back looking around, but Arno was not in sight and neither was my father. Where could those two disappeared too? I walk further into the room before taking the hallway that was to my right and followed it down to the end. I look into the room with doors open, but didn't see Arno or my father anywhere. Where are they? My father must be around here somewhere along with Arno. 

My eyes widen as a gasp escape from me. I shouted "Arno!" 

He was laying on the floor knockout and I check him over to see if he had wounds or anything, but he didn't. Who did this? I murmured taking his face into my hands "Arno, please wake up" 

I shook his shoulders trying to wake him up. It was hard trying to wake someone up that was previously knocked out. My eyes were prickling with tears and I should have been with him! Why did I foolishly sent him after my father? Where is my father? Someone place their hand on mine and I look down to see him waking up. I let out a sigh of relief and he sat up slowly. I engulfed him in a hugged as I murmured "Do not scare me like that again" 

He gave a small chuckle and his arms came around me "I'm sorry. My attacker came out of nowhere and hit me square in the face. I didn't even have time to react"

I pulled away slowly "Do you know who it was?" 

He shooked his head "No, but I did hear someone's footsteps. I didn't see them though" 

I frowned as I thought about my father, but that was impossible. It couldn't have been my father. Arno place a hand against my cheek and made me look back at him. He place a soft kiss on my lips and murmured "Let's get out of here, dear" 

I nodded my head before standing up and helping Arno stand up onto his own two feet. We walk out of the room and back the way we had come from. I help him as he was a little dazed from whoever had knock him out. Why did my father just leave? I don't understand that at all. Why disappeared on your daughter? I will demand why when I see him next time and it will be next time that I will cut off all ties with him. I don't want to do anything with him anymore. I can handle tracking down the Grandmaster myself, but we have others to go after to still. I know the Grandmaster is waiting for me, but he is going to have to wait a little longer. 

I will make sure he knows that I'm coming after him. I'll get rid of Thomas and show him. Thomas is going to pay for everything just like the Grandmaster is. They are both going to know what true pain is going to be like when I'm through with them. They haven't met someone like me and they both have double-crossed me. It's only fair that I simply return the favor to them. 

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