Chapter: 52 The Battle is On

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Chapter: 52

Madeline's POV:

I was sitting there dozing off and on. My wrists were burning from the rope and trying to get free. The ropes were tight, but I managed to loosen them. It wasn't enough to freed my wrists, but I had managed to loosen the ropes on my hands. No one had come in yet and the sun was rising. My breath was coming in short puffs of frustration and pain radiating off of my wrists. My head was still pounding, but it had faded away. The door was being unlock and I open my tired eyes from being up most of the night. The door open and to revealed the three traitors standing there.

The woman with the blond hair had a smug expression on her face while the other two mirrored her expression. The parted for someone else to come into view and a hooded person came through, but the body and the way that the person is walking. In my gut, I knew who it is. My heart seem to be breaking all over again. It shouldn't be, but it is. Our short time had it's effects on me and I was hoping that he would turn out to be a decent father, but I can see it's all a lied now. He stop a few feet away from me and I could see his unreadable eyes. He removed his hood and I put my head down.

Tears began to fall out of the corners of my eyes and the disappointment turn into agony. I was hoping for the better good, but he had shatter my hope. I asked as my body began to shake in anger, "Why?"

My father didn't say anything, but he only answered "Because I want something that your mother had hid from me."

"You think I know where she had hid it?" I asked sharply while looking him in the eye while my tears were still streaming down my cheeks. I snapped out, "What kind of father ties his only daughter up and demands what mother was hiding? If you want it so bad! Go look for it yourself!"

He had an anger expression on his face and in one swift movement. A stinging pain went across my cheek and my head flew to the side. My eyes had widen in pure shock and anger consumed me. I turn my head with a dark glare at my father and his eyes widen. The look made him freeze in his spot and my voice was filled with anger, "You're no father at all. It's no wonder mother didn't speak of you."

"I don't care if she did or not." He crosses his arms across his chest.

My hands were almost free and I gritted my teeth. He spoke "Where is the box that your mother is hiding?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I growled out through clench teeth almost freeing my hands.

"You're mother must have shown you. After all, you were her prodigee." He growled right back at me through clench teeth.

"No, she didn't. Probably, because she knew you come after me sooner or later." I shot back at him.

He turn around with a frustrated scream and I notice the three had disappeared from the doorway. Why would they leave him here all by himself? My hands were almost free and just one more tugged. He still had his back to me and I pull with all of my might. My hand was free and a smile spread across my lips. I pulled my hand out of the ropes and both of my hands were free. My father was turning back around and I hid my hands behind me.

"She must have left you some clue. She was always outwitting me in everything that we had do together." He half-muttered to himself.

I rolled my eyes before answering, "No clues."

He seem more agitated and I gave a smirk, "Apparently, mother was smart enough to keep your hands away from whatever it is that she is hiding. I don't even know what this thing is or even what your looking for. So, father, what are you going to do now?"

My father look extremely angry and it was sad that I could see myself in him. I must look like that when I am angry. A sigh escape from him before I heard the sound of a blade being unsheathe. "Then I'm afraid..." He brought his wrist forward to me "It's time to die!"

I held up my own and it clash together. A smirk spread across my lips as my father was surprise. My smirk widen even more when I brought my fist and struck him across his cheek. He stumble away from me and I use that time to get my ankles free of the ropes. It was a easy slit and I duck quickly when my father came charging at me. I took the chair and swung it at him. It knock him into the wall and the chair had broken in half. He let out a painful groan, but I wasn't done with him yet.


Arno's POV:

We had pick up a trail that was left behind and it was barely visible to us, but we had manage to follow it. The traitors had left it and they were amateurs in leaving it, but it wasn't hard trying to find where they were heading off to. I only hope that we aren't late in getting to Madeline. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I have a feeling that she is already in trouble and my gut keeps twisting into knots. Julian was with me as well and he kept quiet most of the way. Something was still bothering me about him.

He notice that I was looking at him, "What is the question that you want to ask, assassin?"

"I want to know why is a Templar like you made a truce with an assassin like me?" I asked while narrowing my eyes in suspicion.

"I could tell you that I have my own reasons, but I'm afraid I'll get threaten with that blade of yours again." He let out a sigh of annoyance, but continued onwards "The Templars are losing their edge and all we are hearing is the Grandmaster and Thomas arguing constantly with tactics."

I nodded my head before encouraging him to go onwards with what he is saying. He took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm a lot like Alexandre. We were on Madeline's side when the Grandmaster declared her as the fraud. In the end, I would have ended up getting killed by Thomas himself. Madeline was a powerful force in the Templars and it was mostly because of her mother, but Alexandre and I, we saw something different. If she was a Templar still, we would have overthrown Thomas and the Grandmaster."

My eyes widen at his words and I asked "So, why don't you betrayed them and join the assassins then?"

"Are you kidding me? I would rather take my chances of leaving altogether." He answered while chuckling.

I rolled my eyes at him "We could use you to change the ties against this war."

"They're hell-bent are doing this war and Thomas will not stop until Madeline is dead." He spoke with a grim tone as all of the humor had disappeared.

"Why is Thomas after her?" I asked.

"She wrecks his plots and schemes. He twisted her own words against him in his advantage. He is a very hard man to understand, but to put it simply. Madeline was rank higher than he was and he didn't like that at all. He had tried and tried to get her in trouble, but it didn't work. So, in the end, he wants her dead more than anything." He answered while explaining.

"He wants to make her suffer, right?" I asked while I was feeling grim.

He nodded, "That is correct."

"Then I hope we can there in record time and not have to worry about anything." I murmured while jumping to another building.

"Why can't you people keep to the ground?" Julian let out a groan before following me.


Madeline's POV:

We were circling each other and I was watching him closely. He was watching my every movement as well. I was ready for any strike that he was going to make. He swung first at me, but I easily block it. My determination was flowing freely through me while making sure to get some of swings in. My father was a fair opponent, but I was the one with higher set of skills.

He wasn't getting anywhere with me, but that didn't stop me from taking my chance to end him right then and there. He grabbed my wrist and shove me away from him. I skidded backwards, but managed to stay upright. We were both breathless while glaring at one another.

This was going to be a difficult fight between him and I.

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