Chapter: 22 Hunting Down a Templar

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Chapter: 22

Madeline's POV:

We walk up to the building as I look around seeing that the entrance's were block by guards, which is typical of Templars. I was still confused in what to think and I don't know what to think at all. Arno lead me the way over to the side as he began to scale the wall once again. Here we go again with scaling walls once more. This is so not my expertise. Why can't they keep their goddamn feet on the ground? I heave myself up onto the wall as I wasn't use climbing buildings and once I got to the roof Arno help me up all the way.

He only smirk at me and I gave him a narrow look. He walk across the rooftop keeping low and I did as well. There was a couple of guards that we had to get rid of and then we were inside. I could hear the laughter flowing from a room and the clinking of glasses. It's sound like a real party all right. I scowl at the noise, before following Arno down a hallway. We avoid a couple guards here and there as we move our way through the rooms while looking around as well.

We heard voices coming from a door that was up ahead of us and other voices coming from the other way. The door in front of us was beginning to open as Arno open a side door and shove me inside first before following me in quickly. I realize it was a closet and it was a really tight space especially with two people in here. My breathing had become shallow as our bodies were touching one another as I look away from him. The voices outside of the room disappeared just as the other ones was about to as well.

The air around seem to get thick with something that I'm not sure of. All I could feel was his hands on my lower back pressing me against him as my hands were on his chest as I didn't know what was coursing through me. The voices disappeared as I let out a sigh of relief and muttered "That was close..."

Arno's murmured next to my ear as my breath hitch in my throat "Too close..."

I nodded as he slowly got out of the closet before opening the door wider for me to come out. I'm sure my cheeks are all red now, because of him. The door was close once again and Arno went over to the door as he try to open it, but it wouldn't budge. He kneel on the ground as I was curious now in what he was doing. I walk over to him and watch him closely to what he was doing. It looks like he was picking the lock. I murmured quietly "A skill of the Assassins?"

"Indeed it is" He glance up with a smirk on his face before I heard a pop and Arno stand back as he open the door.

"Most impressive...Arno" I said smirking as I walk pass him and keeping my eyes lock with his.

He shrugged "What can I say? I have a natural talent for these sort of things"

"That explains a lot..." I said smirking some more.

He gave me a look as he follow me into the room as I turn around to see that we were in an office. "We might as well look around. I'm sure Alexandre has something up here..." I said as I walk over to a book case.

He went over to the desk as I look through the books here and it was just his collection of what he likes to read. Arno said " might to check this out"

I look over my shoulder at him to see him staring intently at something that was on Alexandre's neat desk. My feet automatically went over to his side as I look down at what it looks to be like plans. I look through the papers as my eyes roam over each of the words and the diagrams. I felt sick to my stomach as these were my plans on to attack the Assassin's quarters where they were sleeping. I couldn't find the real headquarters as they kept that part hiding very good, but now I know where it is now, but not when I was a Templar. I clench my hands into fist as I let out a breath. Arno asked "Are you okay?"

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