Chapter: 8 The Plan to Escape

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Chapter: 8

Arno's POV:

When I went back to the room, night had fallen over Paris. Everything was quiet as the rest of the Assassin's went to bed. I walk down the hallway with the key in my hand as I was going to the Templar's room to question her some more. Maybe, this time I will get something out of her. I highly doubted as the woman knows how to say the right words to me now. A deep frown spread across my lips as I stood in front of the door that on the other side of it is the Templar.

I took a deep breath before slipping the key into the lock and open the door. I was excepting her to lash out at me more, but when I came into the room. She was asleep, curl up on her side. I walk in a little as the candle's light illuminate her soft features, the way the light brought out the red in her hair. She look beautiful just like that night when I crash the ball. I had dance with her and then she was kind to me.

I guess she was angry to know that I had come to kill one of them, but seeing her standing there looking out the balcony. It made me see something else about the woman. I had notice the angry conversation she had with her partner and storm out of the ballroom area. She was pretty upset and I had notice the tears coming from her eyes. I also notice how confused and lost she seems.

A sigh escape from my lips as I gaze down at her as I forgot about that night. I had become obsessed with knowing about Elise and if she knew anything about her. I think I might know why she keeps turning the tables on me. It's because she knows that it was me at the ball and she knows that I saw her vulnerable. So, now she is trying her best to not let anything slip. Maybe, if I stop pushing her...maybe then she'll tell me the answers that I need to know.

There's always a chance of her not answering those questions at all, but I have to dig deeper. Maybe, there's a reason why she look like that at the ball. Another reason why her fellow Templar almost tried to kill her and if there is some rival thing going on in the Templar's. Maybe, she can be turned into one of us.

It's a possibility...


Madeline's POV:

I woke up gasping for breaths as I look around to see that I was still in the same room. My heart was racing in my chest as I let out a breath. I thought I got rid of the image, but it's still there. My mother's body laying on the ground as the blood pool outwards from her stomach. Someone had killed my mother and left her dead. It was at my sixteenth birthday, a very special occasion for a daughter like me. Now, every time that my birthday will pass. It's nothing, but an awful day.

A shaky sigh escape from me as I control my breathing and lay down once more. I look up at the canopy as I felt like I was more trap here than I was when I was with the Templar's. On the other hand, I feel quite safe here. I shouldn't, but I do for some reason. Maybe, it's because I don't have to look over my shoulder waiting to be ambush by Thomas.

My stomach growl as I had nothing to eat last night and now I'm famished and would like some food now, but I haven't seen that Assassin yet. I might not see him at all today. A thought came through my mind and a smirk spread across my lips. They don't know that I don't really like tight spaces, especially when I don't have a window to look out of. The window let's me know that there's an outside and not a room where there is just walls.

My smirk spread across my lips even more, but my plan could fail to. They could bring me outside or just the hallway and then shove me back into this room, but if there is a window here. I can just bust out of it, but it also involved chance of landing in a safe place. I look around as I still don't know what they did with my cloak and I don't have any weapons on me at all.

This plan is going to be risky, but I will risk it. If it means getting out, then by all means let the plan proceed. I walk to the door as I know he post two Assassin's here to watch me just in case a fellow Templar decides to invade their quarters, expect that they won't come. That's a thing about being a Templar. If you're caught by the enemy, there's no rescue. I will have to figure everything out on my own and how to escape from them.

I use my knuckles to tap the door as I called out "Is anyone there? I don't suppose you guys are going to let me starve, are you?"

I heard voices on the other side of the door, but I couldn't make out any words as they were speaking in hush tones. I realize they were new to the order and still trying to figure everything out. This is quite perfect, but I do have a sneaky suspicion that he did that on purpose. Why put two new guys here at my door? They should know by now, that I'm a Templar and I have years of training. I know how to out-smart a lot of people.

So, does he know that I would try something like this?

Well, I will take the chance and I will escape from him. A smirk spread across my lips as I unbutton the top of my shirt to expose some skin. I might as well have some fun, if this is a trap.

The door click and then it open as the two young males stood there looking at me. I murmured "Oh, thank you guys so much. It's truly a pleasure to know that I won't starve"

They share a look with each other as I bend over a little "Will you please show me where the dining room is here?"

I could tell they were fluster as I could see their cheeks darkening from just a little expose of skin. I gently touch each of their shoulders as I press myself against them as I could feel them stiffen beneath my touch. I whispered "Would you mind showing me?"

"S-sure" One of them stuttered.

"Great...then I guess I do have one more request" I said as I snake my hand down and pull the key that was around his waist.

"And what's y-you're request, madam?" The other answered.

"Is that you guys are the foolish Assassin's that I have ever come across" I threw both of them into the room with a wicked grin.

I locked both of them in the room as I left the key in the lock. Now, I only have a short amount of time before they come to see what the racket was about. I quickly button up my top before walking down the hallway.

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