Chapter: 55 Healing

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Chapter: 55

Madeline's POV:

A painful gasp escape from me and the wound was there on my stomach. I felt battered and bruise from what I had to go through. My surroundings were completely different and the feeling of confusion wash over me. I don't know where I was. Who came to save me? All I could feel was the endless pain, but it meant that I was alive. The lady in white told me that I will be in pain and that was okay. I was okay. I was alive.

The building that I was in was different. I don't recognize this place at all. I knew sitting up was a bad idea and I wouldn't even try it. The white sheets were pulled up to my chin and I realized that I was naked. Someone had strip me of my clothes. I was completely bare and all I could feel with my hand was the bandages.

The door open and I look over to the person that was standing there. My eyes widen and I started to move, but pain erupted. I let out a grunt and Julian started to walk over to me, but I shouted, "Do not come any closer to me!"

Julian stop in mid-step and held up his hands. "I had helped out Arno. You don't need to fear me, Madeline."

My eyes widen up at him and before I could say a word. Arno shove Julian to the side and quickly came to where I am. Relief wash over his face as he help me lay back down on the bed. It look like tears were at the corner of his eyes. He lowered himself down to me and I raise my arms. He gently lay himself down on top of me. It hurt a little, but it was worth it.

He whispered, "I thought I was going to lose you."

I whispered while my voice crack, "You didn't."

He let out a shaky sigh of relief and place a kiss on my cheek. A smile spread across my lips and he pulled away to look down at me. He took one of my hands and place a kiss on the palm of my hand. A tingling sensation went through me and Julian cleared his throat.

We both look over to him and I asked, "Why are you here and alive?"

Julian rolled his eyes, "Hello to you too. First off, I save you along with Arno here. Second, I can't go back now after helping Assassin's out. Third, we'll it's because I made a truce with this man."

He pointed at Arno and Arno nodded to me. A sigh escape from me and it was a bad idea. Pain came again and it made me suck in a painful breath. "Relax and get some rest." Arno murmured to me.

I look up at him and nodded my head, "Okay."

He smile an Julian turn toward the door and Arno followed him out. It was odd seeing those two working together. Did Arno and I looked like that? The door close behind them and my eyes drooped shut.

Darkness was waiting to take me away again into a restless slumber.


Arno's POV:

Day after day had flown by and she ended up getting a fever. Her body was fighting against any infection that could come into her wound. So, the nurses had said. I was still worried. My shoulders were tense and I was completely on edge. I had sent word to William to let him know where I am with Madeline. Also, informing him about what had happened. Julian was still here with me and there was no news from the Templars. He didn't like the silence and that made him nervous.

My feet pace restlessly in front of the door that was closed to her room that she in. She is sleeping right now. The nurses doesn't want us to be near her at the moment. I want to be next to her side, but I can't risk her well-being because of my selfish acts. This is taking longer than what is needed. Why is this happening to me? The agony and waiting for death to take my love away from me again. She must make it. She must be well. For me.

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