Chapter: 25 Wellington Manor

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Chapter: 25

Madeline's POV: 

I was sitting in the room as Arno was sleeping on the floor this time. I offer him the bed, but he wouldn't take it. So, he end up sleeping on the floor. I gaze down at him from where I was laying on the bed and smile. He was so peaceful when he was sleeping.

I can say now that I fully trust him. He didn't leave any room for me to doubt his trust. It feels different as I really never have anyone that I could trust, expect for Elise. We both finally learn that we were at the Versailles Conference when we were younger. It had been a long time ago, but I never did think I was going to run into him again.

It's quite surprising how one can suddenly appeared and the other one has no clue to who they were. Honestly, I just wanted someone to be my friend and not to stab me in the back when I'm not looking or expecting it.

Arno had turn into a fine gentlemen and I'm learning, but slowly. The ways of the Templars are hard to break. Since I have been drill in the rules and what we represented. That had all gone away now, since Nicholas took over.

There must be someway that I could find out what they are hiding from me.

Suddenly, my manor came in and it has been empty since the death of my mother. The manor of the Wellington family has been closed off and to where people can't buy the property of the manor.

Everything is still in there and everything that was my mother's was in that manor too. I finally have a clue to where to start looking and hopefully not to be lead to a dead end. I hope there is something there that will help me determined what those basterds are hiding from me.

I sat up in bed as I grimace from the bruises that I had suffer from yesterday. I was a fool for playing right into his trap. I look at everything now to see my surroundings crystal clear. I guess my almost killed.

Why was Arno so worry about me running off on my own? I look over at him as the almost kiss scene came into the front part of my mind. My cheeks were burning from remembering how close we were. He felt warm and it felt like I was under a spell. He touch my cheek and I never felt such a rush of a warm feeling spreading through me.

I shook my head to clear the memory away. What am I thinking? It was just that we got caught in the moment. Nothing more and nothing less.

Someone place their hand on my hand and I got startled. I look over to see Arno next to the bedside on his knees. He murmured smiling at me "Good morning, Madeline"

I greeted him with a warm smile "Good morning, Arno"

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

I nodded "Yes, Did you?"

He smile more and nodded as well "Yes, I did"

"The bed would have been much comfortable than the floor" I murmured.

"You are a lady and plus you needed to not sleep on the floor for the bruises you have suffer from last night" He responded while giving me a stern look.

I let out a sigh as I look at him, but I didn't argue with him. I knew he was right even though I could have, but he is being a gentlemen. I like that. He look back at me as those eyes of his were studying me and I let him. I was studying him as well and he murmured after a moment or two "So, what is on your mine?" 

"I thought of going back to the Wellington Manor...after my mother was murdered. I close the manor down and went on my own before joining the Templars" I answered while explaining a little. 

"Then we shall go to the Wellington Manor" He smiled up at me. 

I smile back at him as I never had felt this content-never know the reason to smile. I thought I was lost, but Arno guided me onto a path that I could retrieve the answers that I was looking for. The answers that I have been searching for and the answers that had almost lead me to my death as well, but I will go through with this. I will make sure that Alexandre is pay and to put a stop to Thomas schemes. It's going to be hard for me to do that when I have no answers or a plan to stop him. I must come up with a plan before going in there like a headstrong person would. 

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