Chapter: 54 As Old as Time

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Chapter: 54

Arno's POV:

She could be here in any of these rooms, but I don't know where she could be. My concern was building every time that I couldn't find where she was. It was making me furious and Julian even seem concern. There was no sign of her anywhere. Did we get the right building? We must have to because I don't see any clue of her being actually here. Where could she be? I feel like we were losing time and I don't know why, but I do. Julian rush into a room, but came out empty handed. 

We were both frustrated and couldn't think of where she could be at. We came to the last room at the very end of the hallway and the first thing that caught my eye was the pools of blood. My eyes widen and Julian turn his head away from looking at the sight. A scream tore ripped from my throat before I rush forward into the room. I skidded on the ground over to my love that was on the floor. I gather her in my arms and murmured "Please, no. Not you. Not this again! Madeline!"

Julian slowly came into the room with a grief-filled eyes and he look over at the other person that was dead on the floor. We both realized who it was and my eyes prick the corners of my eyes. She did it, but it cost her life. The blood was seeping from the wound on his neck and his lifeless eyes were staring at nothing. My eyes look down at Madeline to see that there was a dagger in her stomach. My lips tremble and my tears fell onto her beautiful face that had a scar on her cheek bone. "Madeline, please come back to me. I can't lose you." I spoke softly and felt my throat closing up with emotion. 

I shouted "Why is this happening again?"

Julian came over to me and took two fingers of his to her neck. He waited and I was wondering what he was doing. His eyes widen and quickly he stood back up on his feet before walking over to the desk. I shouted "What are you doing?"

Julian look over at me and snapped, "She's alive. There should be bandages here, but I'm not finding anything."

I pulled my upper garment up and rip my under garment, "Here. Lift her shirt up." 

Julian came over to my side quickly and lifted her shirt like he was told to do. I quickly use the stripped to bandage her deep wound and made sure it was tight. My heart was rapidly beating on my chest and I was scared to see her this way. Her father had paid dearly and that was with his life. It was going to come down to hers if we don't hurry back to the bureau with her.

What am I going to do with Julian? He can't come with me to the bureau and that would be the last thing that I want, but he was looking at her like a sibling would. It irk me to no end that he was looking at her like that. I snapped, "I have to get her back immediately."

I gather her up on my arms as her head rolled over my arm. Julian hold up a hand, "Wait."

I stop before him and was clearly annoyed. He began to explain, "I know a closer doctor that would be closer than going all the way back to the Assassin's headquarters. It would result in more blood loss from her and she isn't going to hold out."

My eyebrow twitch and I felt my anger building. I do know he is right and that makes my blood boiled even more than last time. A sigh escape from me, but I nodded, "Fine."

He nodded as we leave the room and began a slow jog out of the building. I warn him once we got to the staircase, "If this is a trap, I will make your death slow and painful."

Julian threw me a smirk over his shoulder, "You have to trust me on this."

"I'll trust you as far as I can throw you." I growled out between clench teeth.

"Whatever you say." Julian shrugged his shoulders before leading us out of the building.


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