Chapter: 44 Traitors

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Chapter: 44

Madeline's POV: 

My father stood against the tree as I look at him waiting for him to tell me who murdered my mother in cold-blood. He was looking down at my mother's grave, but his expression was unreadable. A sigh escape from me as I gave him a cold look "Who was it?" 

He look over at me as his expression was unreadable "It was a Templar that my child is very familiar with. After all, he was the headmaster" 

"Nickolas!" I gritted my teeth as my anger swept through me. 

"He killed her that night because he wanted that position for himself" He look away from me to my mother's grave. 

My anger was raging through me as I was shaking to the core as I didn't know what to do about Nickolas. We were still trying to find the traitor in the assassins, and that is what William is trying to do right now. The news that my father told me and I don't know how to proceed with this and the thought of letting him escape through my fingers. It made me even angrier than even before. Is there anything that I could? There has to be. My father broke me out of my thoughts as he murmured "Come with me, my dearest" 

My eyes snapped up to him with alarm as he gave me a look "If you would like to get rid of him quickly and stop this ridiculous war. Then come with me. If not, then fine. It would be your lost at the opportunity of getting rid of him with my help" 

He began to walk away from me and I look over at a building before looking upwards. Arno was perched on the edge of the roof watching. I motion for him to follow and he nodded before disappearing over the roof's edge. I caught up with my father quickly as I could see the corners of his lips twitching. My eyebrow rose in surprise, but I didn't say anything as I turn my attention to where we were going. He didn't say anything either as we keep walking down the street. My eyes roam over the ladies that were passing us. There were carriages here and there being pulled by elegant horses as we had to move out of the way for a couple of carriages moving passing us. 

It was quite a distance as I find myself a little breathless, but it was what I was use to. We turn down an alleyway as my stomach was churning itself into knots. My breathing become shallow as I look around slowly. A small smirk spread across my lips as I remembered hitting Arno in a very uncomfortable place. He didn't like that very much, but that was when I was still a Templar. It was before I was became a traitor to them. Alexandre had such faith in me and I must have broken his heart, but he was still able to forgive me in the end. 

My heart felt heavy as my smirk turn into a scowl as hatred flow through me. It was all Thomas fault. I was starting out and I don't think I could have end his life. It was a troubling thought for me, but I must move on. There isn't any point on mulling over thoughts that wouldn't change anything. We come out of the alleyway and onto another street and it was busy as the others, but it had less people here than the other streets for whatever reason. We continue to walk in silence as I took in my surroundings. Where was my father taking me? 

I didn't ask him as I would rather not start up a question, but it was greatly beginning to stirred my curiosity. After a little more distance in walking we came to a building that look abandon. My confusion came in even more as I asked "And the Grandmaster would be in an abandoned building?" 

"No. This was where he was meeting with some people that I was unfamiliar with. I thought their would be clues here that would lead us to the Grandmaster" He answered. 

I turn my body around to where I was facing him and place my hands on waist "You brought me out here to an abandoned building with no Nickolas inside of it" 

"Did you really think it was going to be that easy to find the Grandmaster of the Templars?" He asked me.

I was going to open my mouth, but he walk away from me. I let out a low growled as my teeth clench together in frustration. My feet followed after him as we both enter the abandon building together. I was nervous as I didn't want to go into this building with my father, but I did. The building was empty inside and I realize it was a house that was empty. It still had the carpets and the rugs, but the furniture was not here. My feet made quiet little thudding noises against the wood before soften under the plush carpet. I look around to see that it was dusty in here and I saw that the dust was disturbed by other people's footprints that were in here. 

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