Chapter: 21 Intimacy and Planning

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Chapter: 21

Arno's POV: 

I woke up as I look up at a different ceiling and I was confused as I didn't know where I was. I look around and sat up instantly. I look down at the floor to see Madeline sound asleep there. I took her bed and she had to sleep on the floor. What kind of man am I to let a lady sleep on the floor? I'm such a horrible man and I got off of the bed as I realize my boots were off. 

I kneel down next to her as I reach out to shake her awake or just pick her up to put her in the bed, but I didn't. My hand move a strand of her hair away from her face as her beauty was breath-taking. She is a lot different than Elise. She was her own person and not someone else, even if she did look a lot like Elise. They could almost pass off of being sisters, but that would mean that she would have grown up with Elise and I.

She began to stirred as I pull my hand back quickly from touching her soft cheek and she look at me. A smile spread across her lips and she asked "Did you like my bed?"

"Morning to you too, Madeline" I ignore her question as I chuckle.

She only smile more as roll onto her and gave a groan "Next time, I'm rolling you on the floor"

"You could have slept by my side" I said smirking at her.

"What? No...that would be to close for comfort at all" She said as I her cheeks turn to a rosy color.

My smirk grew wider as I move where I was directly over her as I had my hands on each side of her head. "Is this too close for comfort?" I asked.

Madeline's eyes widen as her cheeks grew more red and Madeline push against my chest, but it didn't faze me at all. It was a weak push and I look down at her as she look up at me. Those beautiful green eyes were like emeralds shining in the sunlight. The deep shade of red could almost pass for dark satin material. The skin creamy as if made of fine porcelain and her skin was like a soft petal of a flower or a like a feather as it was soft.

Madeline's lips were tinted the color of a pale rose that lost its color. I lower my head to hers as I wanted nothing more than to kiss her right here and there and not even thinking about the consequences of my actions. My breath mingle with hers as she didn't take her eyes from mine and just as we were about touch each other's lips. There was a knock on the door breaking us out of trance. I got shove off of her as she sat up quickly and I was even fluster as well.

I clear my throat before standing and walking over to the door. I fix my attire quickly and open the door to see William there "Ah, it's good to see that you're awake" He said.

I asked "And why's that, William?"

"Because I have news on where you're first Templar is going to be" William answered.


Madeline's POV:

We were in Arno's office once more as we were discussing where Alexandre is and how we are going to end his life. Unfortunately though, he is hosting a party for Thomas and apparently that's what he wants. There is going to be two in this party and I spoke up "I can't be seen at this party Thomas knows how I dress up and so does Alexandre" 

"Well that is going to be a problem then" William muttered. 

"Hm...maybe we will just have to sneak into their when all the guest are distracted" Arno murmured. 

William smirk and Arno smirk as well, but I was the only one that didn't get what they were thinking. I asked "What? Why are you two smirking?" I asked placing my hands on my hips and giving them a narrow look. 

They both look at me, before Arno turn his wrist over and pointed at me as something went flying into the wall. I look over at it as my eyes were wide and I saw a blade protruding from the wall. I look back at him as I shouted "What was that for?!" 

"To show you this beautiful device on my arm" He smirk more while answering. 

William hold up his arm for me to see there was a device on his arm as well "It's called a Phantom blade and all of us Assassin's have one, expect for the young ones that are still in training" 

"That's including me, right?" I asked with distaste as the device look really good and I wanted to test it for myself. 

Arno chuckle "No. William, if you may, can you get a the device?" 

William nodded "Of course" 

He went into the back of the office as I didn't realize there was a door there and I look over or try to without getting Arno's attention. All I could was crates in there though and nothing else. I heard a few things being move around and then it went quiet. I watch as William step out of the room closing the door behind him and coming over to us once more. He hand the device over to Arno and I hold my wrist as Arno put the device where the hidden blade went. "This is a improvement from the hidden blade to the phantom blade" Arno said smiling at me. 

"This device will allow you to not get so close to your enemies and it can be shot from a distance as well" William added. 

"So, I just need a good position and we can assassinate him with these?" I asked looking at the device. 

"Correct" Arno answered nodding to me. 

William nodded along and said "All right, Madeline. Try it out on the wall where Arno's blade is" 

I nodded as I turn around and hold my arm out as I flick my wrist downward. The blade came flying out as it hit the wall where Arno's was and I look down at the device and smile. I like this device and Arno chuckled "At least you didn't screw up this time unlike with the hidden blade" 

I turn around and glare at him "You gave me a broken one" 

"That was accidental" He said smirking once more. 

"Let's not argue here. We still have to figure out a plan and back up plan just in case the first one fails" William said. 

We both nodded as we got to planning and Alexandre will have to go down either way.

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