Chapter: 34 Realization

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Chapter: 34

Arno's POV:

I had check in her room and she wasn't there. I had check the roof, but she wasn't there either. So, where in the world is she? I quickly walk down the stairs as I was taking them two at a time. I manage to get to the training room to see that it was empty as well. A frustrated sigh escape from me as I knew she had left the bureau. I swear that woman doesn't learn! It's my fault. I was thinking of what was happening to Elise and I would lose her. Now, I think I already push her away from what I had said to her early. I left the bureau quickly as I didn't know whether she went off her own or to killed Marcus.

What in the hell do I do now? I would check to see if Marcus was dead or not and keep a lookout for where Madeline had gone, but maybe she did went over to Marcus. I need to get over there fast if she did. What if she isn't there? The streets were filled with the crowds as I walk down them and I was clueless in where she had went. I don't know where she could have gone, but I do know that she has to be around here somewhere. A sigh escape from me as I look around before walking down the street. Where in the world could that woman have gone to? I have been looking everywhere for her, but I don't see her anywhere.

She must be around here somewhere and hopefully not running off to killed Marcus. She would get killed the minute she step in there or something far worst than that. It wouldn't be a pretty sight at all, but I have to find her. She must be around here somewhere, but where? Where could she have gone to? Suddenly, I remember the graveyard and where Elise was buried along with her father. I stop as I realized where she must have went. Madeline went to her mother's grave or the Wellington manor. I hope she didn't go to the manor by herself. We almost got caught by Thomas that time as well and I don't know if they left her manor alone or not.

I would have to check the graveyard first and see if she is there or not. If not, then I would check the manor to see if she was there.


Madeline's POV:

A sigh escape from me as the tears were streaming down my face. I felt frustrated with the way things have been going and what I have been put through. My mother's tombstone was sitting right there in front of me as it said her name and the years that she had lived before the last year that she had died in. I can never look at my birthday the same way again- not after what had happened to my mother on that day. If I was a little better in my training- maybe I could have stop the monster from murdering my mother. Unfortunately, it didn't happened and my mother was dead on the ground that night of my birthday.

I put my head on my arms as the pain was going through me strongly as I usually shove it away to focus on the task at hand. Everything is going to go down pretty soon and we won't have enough time to be doing anything. The Templars are still coming and everything that I have work for- to get away from the basterd. I want him to pay for what he did to me and the way he lied about everything. The burning anger was flowing through me as I also remember how well I like the Assassin's. They were more understanding then I would have imagine it. They wanted freedom for everyone and not have control unlike the Templars.

Is that all I want from this? Is revenge the only thing I want out of all of this? My cheeks burn as I remember Arno and the times that we have spend with each other. It wasn't much, but he makes me feel so warm. I could possibly have fallen for him, but I don't know about Elise. I know I look a lot like her and hopefully I'm not just some reminder to him of his former lover. I don't want to love a person that will only see the person that they have loved. Could Arno have move pass Elise and have move on? I shook my head as I felt horrible to be thinking about that. I just don't know what she will say. How the hell could I be even thinking about Arno in that way?

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