Chapter: 57 Break and Motion

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Chapter: 57

Arno's POV:

The confusion must be getting to her about her father, but watching her sleep. She is at peace. I could see the tear streaks on her beautiful light tone skin. It was evident that she was letting out her sorrows. She has been in this room a lot more than before. It makes me a little nervous after what had happened to her.

I am worried about her and she isn't quite healed to be out with us yet. She must be feeling like she is trapped in here. William is busy with the students and training some of them to see where they are. One is close to becoming a full assassin. We still need to find some information on what's going on with the Templars. It's getting to the end and so far they are losing. They could be hiding something from us entirely, but I wouldn't know- none of us would know. I gently grabbed her hand in mine and felt the warmth there. 

A small smile spread across my lips and I raised her hand to my lips- pressing a small kiss on her knuckles. She is everything to me and I must protect her as best as I can. I can't let the Templars steal her away from me. I had almost lost her and I wasn't about to let it happened again. My chest tighten with emotion while letting her hand go. My teeth ground together in frustration before standing up from sitting on the edge of the bed. My eyes lay on her beautiful face once more before walking away.

I will protect her again. This time, I will be there by her side. I won't let her go. I won't. She's everything to me. Slowly, I look over my shoulder at while opening the door. A soft sigh escape from me before exiting her room completely. 


Madeline's POV: 

The sun was shining through the windows and I was getting ready in my assassin gear. I felt a lot better than what I have, but it must be because of the woman that had save my life. I place a hand on my stomach to feel nothing there, but I know there is a scar there. My inside haven't fully healed completely and I have been taking care of myself. It won't do much good if I was out in the streets causing my wound to open up again. It would only cause more agony and I was already in enough pain. 

My hair was shining in the sunlight and it made my hair look like it was on fire. It made me look like I was truly the person to stop this war before it cause anymore trouble for anyone. It only makes me worry even more. What if I can't stop this war? I have been in the process of healing and time wasn't on my side at all. A sigh escape from me and my reflection look right at me. Whatever it takes, I will be ready.

I nodded to myself before turning away and walk over to the door. Once I exited my room, the hallway was a little busy with students. My feet lead me down the familiar hallway route to Arno's office. Someone shouted my name from behind me and I turn around to see William there. My eyebrow rose in question as William came to a skidding halt. I asked, "What's the urgency?"

He shook his head and answered breathlessly, "I'm only to inform you that we are meeting in the old library."

I tilted my head a little to the side, "Why there?"

"Follow me and everything will be explained there, Madeline." He turn around and walk back the way that he had came.

It made me dread this meeting more, but I followed William. It didn't take us long to reach the secret passages and navigate through them. They were looking familiar as it has been a while since I was here last. William push open the wall and we walk inside of the old library. We walk through bookcases on each side of us before reaching the area where the long red couch was.

I realized how it wasn't dusty in here anymore. It was actually bright and shining. Arm was hunched over a table looking down at some papers that were there. I notice books sitting in the corners of the papers. There was another stack of books on the other side of well. It made me frown a little to know that he has been pouring over this without letting me know what he was doing. Anger swept through me, but I stilled my tongue. I was healing and couldn't really do anything in my condition. At least now, I am able to do something.

I softly asked, "Why are we in the old library?"

Arno pressed a kiss to my cheek and answered, "Only to be able to focus more and not be interrupted by anyone coming into my office."

"That's what you get for being a master assassin." I poke his chest as a smirk was spreading across my lips.

He gave me a surprised look, but a smile was spreading across his lips, "I would assume so, Madeline."

We chuckled a little before we got back to business. I notice William was smiling as well. Arno look down at the papers and I did too. I was curious in what he had been doing. Arno began to inform me, "From what I had gather, there is no new information about anything. I can't find a single clue or anything that will lead us to Nickolas or Thomas."

William spoke up, "It seems that they have disappeared and nowhere to be found."

I wandered over to the window, feeling like they were missing some piece. I asked, "Did you gather anything?"

"Only that they left by ship and heading up North to our neighbors." Arno answered while looking over at me.

I answered, "It's a gathering of Templars, but it's not going to be here. When I was a Templar, we use to held a party to throw assassin's off."

"So, we join this party then." Arno smirked.

William nodded in agreement, but asked, "Is any Templars going to be there?"

"No. It's a simple party and we were there, but most of us were gone." I paused and look around, "Where's Julian?"

William answered, "I sent him on a private mission for me."

"What's this private mission all about?" I asked a little susicipous of William.

He raise his eyes and a pure look of innocence cross his features, "It's nothing cruel. I promise. It's to gather more information and be claim to know something. So, I let him go under my permission."

Arno's head was swerving between the two of us while William and I were having a stare down. It didn't last long and I ended up looking away first. I murmured, "Fine."

William nodded to me and Arno spoke, "So, how do we infiltrate this simple party?"

"That's an easy question." William had a smirk on his lips.

A funny feeling went through me and I growled out annoyingly between clench teeth, "I am not going into another dress. I am done with those frillies things."

William's smirked grew more, "Madeline, you're the only one who has been through all of this. At least go through one night of being in a dress. Why should it matter now?"

"I have freedom now and I don't want to be in a dress again!" I snapped.

Arno added in absently, "You were in a dress when I met you the second time. I didn't recognize you at first, but you did look quite lovely in that dark green gown of yours."

My hand went to my neck and knowing that there was no necklace. My mothers necklace was all I had of her. It was my most valuable possession until that little snake gotten his hands on it. A feeling of anger went through me, but that wasn't the issue at that moment. I let out a sigh of frustration before asking, "Why can't I be in my uniform?"

"The disguise won't work and it will attract to many unwanted attention. You did say that Templars come in and out of the party, right?" Arno asked with a raise eyebrow up at me.

I gave him an annoyed look, but nodded "Indeed, I did."

William smirked once more, "Then it is settled. Arno and Madeline, you guys will go together. I will have a back up if things go bad "

"Isn't that what normally happens?" I asked.

Arno answers instead of William and a smirk was spreading across his lips, "Sometimes, my dear."

I rolled my eyes while folding my arms across my chest and huffed, "Fine. I will wear an annoying dress again."

"Splendid!" William cheered.

I glare at the man already hating his guys and this plan of his. If it must come to this then I will have to suck it up and deal with it.

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