Chapter: 62 Getting Down to Business

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Chapter: 62

Arno's POV:

She slept peacefully and the early morning sunlight was streaming through the window. It highlights her auburn hair into a fiery color against the pillow. Her chest rising and falling slowly as she slept. It was nice seeing her like this than her stressed out from all the work that we have to do. Not to mention that we had to finish killing off the two last Templars and then we are finally free. Not to have worry about anything, but the peace can only last so long. Maybe, enough where they could actually have a future with each other.

I hated the way that I thought of Elise and had lost her. It pains me to no end that I couldn't have a future with her, but I was given a second chance with Madeline. She was on the brink of death, but manage to pull through. It scares me so much to think that I was going to lose her, but I didn't. It was a miracle and I was grateful for that miracle. I will never let anything happened to her and will protect her with my life if I have to. She'll probably argue with me, but I already lost a love once. I wasn't going to let that happened again. 

A soft sigh escapes from my lips as I brush her hair away from her face. She was utterly beautiful and I was grateful for this women. She made me fall in love with her and I like her fighting spirit as well. It made me see a different woman in her than Elise, but even though Elise was my first love. I would hold Madeline to my heart now. She had amended me back together and I was happy to find love again. I lean over to her and pressed a kissed against her forehead. My hand snaking across her bare stomach and Madeline stirred a little before leaning into my touch. A warm smile spread across my lips. 

She stirred some more as my lips touch hers. Madeline returns my kiss sleepily but ended up snuggling closer to me and going straight to sleep again. A chuckle escapes from me and it was still early. I had worn her out last night. It was more than once and I completely exhausted myself as well, but it was a night that we needed. A break from reality and just us too. Oh, my lord, she felt heavenly against me. Her body was so soft and I wanted to take her again, but William will be showing his face anytime now. Well, not right now. 

It was late when all of them head to bed last night. It was no wonder that everyone was sleeping in now. A soft sigh escapes from me as I lay back down with her. I held her close to me and she let out a content sigh. With a smile on my lips, I close my eyes only to dose for a few more moments.


Madeline's POV:

Why does it feel like I'm all alone in this bed again? My eyes flutter open to bright sunlight and I squinted before sitting up. I held the blankets up to my chest and realized that Arno wasn't anywhere in my room. A soft sigh escapes from me as I ran a hand through my tangle of auburn locks. He isn't here at all. Where did he go? With a sigh escape from my lips, I lay back down on the bed. The memories of last night were dancing across the forefront of my mind. A smile spread across my lips as I had enjoyed every last bit of what had happened between us. It was wonderful. 

It made today all that much easier to bear. It was a relief. Now, to find my clothes and to get dress. A soft sigh escapes from me before sitting up again. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. I stretched myself out and let out a sigh. The sun was warm against my body and it felt nice. While gathering up my clothes and getting putting them on. There was a soft knock on the door and a familiar voice. It was Arno and I didn't need to hide which was a relief. "Late morning to you, Madeline," Arno whispered while watching me slipped my top on and made sure to place my belt over. 

A smirk spread across my lips as I pulled my hair out of the back, "What? I was tired."

He let out a chuckle and walk over to me before embracing me. He places his lips over mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was warm against me and it made me want him again, but we have a lot to do. A soft sigh escapes from him as we parted from each other. Our eyes meeting one another and his hands moving up my back. He whispered, "I want to make you mine forever once this is all over."

My eyes widen and a happy smile spread across my lips, but I had no words to express how joyful I was. I pressed myself closer before bringing his lips back down to mine. I was completely thrilled to learn that he wants me. A chuckle rumbled in his throat but vibrated through my lips. I pulled away and spoke softly, "That's all I want, Arno."

He gave me a smirk, "Good. Now, let's get going. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of work ahead of us."

I nodded my head, "Yes, that includes two more Templars to pay for what they did to me."

His expression turns serious, but his eyes were glimmering with happiness. He pulled away fully and took my hand in his. I thread our fingers together before he leads me out of his room. He spoke, "William is waiting for us."

"Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be?" I asked while chuckling a little.

Arno chuckled as well, "That is true."


It didn't take us long to reach the office once again. A sigh escapes from me as we reach the office again. Julian was there was well, but there was a troubled look on his face. William wasn't looking too happy at all either. Nickolas wanted to me with privately to discussed my position in the brother hood. Also, knowing that I was spotted at the dance last night along with Julian. A sigh escapes from me and I didn't know what to think at all. Arno was infuriated that the man had called me out again. It wasn't much to go on, but it was enough for us to debate whether we go. Only to end his life.

It was risky, but we were so ready to end this. There was a lot to think about and I have a lot more support now then when I had started out. It was strange to look back and to see how far I came along, but it was an achievement to reach this far. It made me a completely different person. This is who I am. I broke the silence, "We have to do this. We have to end this now. I'm done running away. It's time to fight for our peace."

Julian and Arno look at me with surprised, but Arno was looking for worried than surprised. William was at a lost for words and he clear his throat before speaking, "I'm not sure what's going to happen, but Arno and Julian will be trailing as you go meet this person. Make sure you have all the weapons and equipment that you need. This is the Grandmaster of The Templars."

I only nodded my head to him before speaking on my own, "I know, but this might be the only time that we could get close to the man to kill him."

"It's a risky move, Madeline," Arno spoke up while rubbing his chin. 

"It made be a risky move, Arno." Julian added in softly before continuing, "They have taken a lot from us and I can't risk any more of this destruction. My family had already moved from Paris to London to escape their mad place for utter devastation. Paris is already in chaos again. Wanting the damn Royal family to provide them. Nickolas has connections with the throne and made him his puppet."

"And by doing that..." William started to say.

"We cut the puppet master strings," I added while smiling.

Arno let out a sigh, but he didn't argue. He knew he was seeing that Julian was right. A soft sigh escapes from him and he rubbed the back of his neck. I knew he didn't like this one bit. Especially, after what had happened with my father. I believe I had died, but I was on the brink of death. Maybe, it was only me in my haziness of confusion. It was a mess. I didn't know what was real and what was not. He finally spoke, "Fine. Let's get going then." 

Julian and I both share a smile with one another before I took Arno's hand in mine. A strange emotion flicker in Julian's eyes, but it was gone in a flash. William was relieved that Arno didn't try to argue with us. It was an excellent plan, but we do know that anything could happen. We must be on our guard. Always. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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