Chapter: 10 Escape Plan Failed

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Chapter: 10

Madeline's POV:

I ran down the hallways as I was looking for the other stair cases. I found the other one as I was still to high up to jump out of the window. Come 'on, there has to be a way for me to get out of here. I know there are many exits here, but I wouldn't know where. After all, I was pass out when he brought me here. I could have gone anywhere else, but oh no, because of Thomas. I was capture by the Assassin's. So, now I'm trying to escape with my life.

The hallways seem so familiar that they were hard to distinguish them from the others. I don't know if I'm lost or keep going around in circles. This building of theirs is so large and unfamiliar to me. How am I suppose to escape from here when I keep going circles. I have to escape, I know the others are looking for me. If I don't get out here, I'm going to be back in that room again or worst they're going to killed me.

I wish I had my cloak or something, because I could really hide myself. I feel expose without my cloak. I feel safe and secure with my cloak. I sort of felt safe here, but not now. I saw the stairs and I sigh in relief. Finally, freedom! I ran through it as fast as I can and the stairs were waiting for me to take them one at a time, maybe two.

My feet move down the stairs fast as I descended the last step, someone grab me. I let out a scream as I began to struggle in whoever's grip that got me. "Get you're hands off of me!" I shouted.

I try to elbow whoever in the ribs and realized that it was a guy. He threw me into the wall as I notice it was that Assassin. It was just him as I didn't see any of his other fellow Assassin's around. "Then stop running..." He said sounding out of breathe.

"Why should I?" I hissed out as I glare "I'm a Templar! I'm suppose to be running from Assassin's like you!"

"You're confused about being a Templar, you said you want to be free right. Then stop running..." He said as I realize I could see his dark brown eyes under that hood of his.

I open my mouth, but the words he spoke stop me from saying anything. They were true and it was like being slap in the face. If I wanted to be free so bad, I need to stop running away. I need to take action and stop following the orders of the ones that I don't want to do their bidding anymore.

"Come with me...Join the Assassins and you will have your freedom" He murmured as his eyes were looking straight at me.

"I can't..." I whispered as I look away from him.

"Yes, you can" He whispered back "Elise did and now you can as well"

"Elise..." I murmured. I knew he was right and I knew the fact that she did it because of him. She had him and I have no one. Those other Assassin's only see me as a Templar and that's it.

"So, you do know Elise..." He murmured.

I realized what he had said and I let out a sigh as I murmured "Yes, she was in the order at the same time as me. We were best friends and now she is gone..."

"Then you can serve for the greater good by joining me and the Assassin's. You have knowledge of what they are planning and we can get them for taking Elise away from us" He said.

"I don't know..." I murmured.

"Join us stop them" He murmured to me.

I could get back at Thomas for him almost killing me the second time and I can finally know what happened to my mother. Maybe, I can find her killer here and get the revenge for whoever murder my mother on my sixteenth birthday. Maybe, I can join them and then I can find my answers. Maybe, I can truly be free and not to have to follow any orders. I can finally be free from the order.

This man can set me free...

I look up at him finally coming to a solution in my head as I asked "Will I be free?"

"Yes, you'll be free" He answered.

"You're not going to lock me up again, are you?" I asked.

"You're not going to try and escape from us, are you?" He answered with one of his questions.

I gave him a look as there was a smirk across his lips "Then I shall join you, but on one condition"

"And what is your condition?" He asked.

"I will tell you guys everything on my own time and you will listen to me. I have information about the Templars, but I will not be push or order. And, if I have any problems with the other assassins or their attempts of putting an end to my life. I will leave and you'll never find me" I answered with a narrow look at him.

"You'll have my word, miss" He murmured.

"You may called me, Madeline" I introduced myself.

"That's a pretty name" The Assassin smile as he added "I'm Arno"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Arno" I said nodding my head to him.

Arno chuckle as he took my hand and kiss my knuckles "The pleasure is all mine, mademoiselle"

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