Chapter: 6 Templar Vs. Templar

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Chapter: 6

Arno's POV:

She ran away from me after she pushes me down and ran off. A sigh escapes from me as I was staring through a glass window in the Assassin's building. We have begun our preparations for the battle with these new Templars and we will destroy them once and for all. They are a threat to all of us and we can't let them get away with anything. They already had a headstart on us and I don't know what they are looking for, but I do know that it's not good. 

I'm curious about that woman and why she looks a lot like Elise. I have to find out more about her. I want to know if she shares a connection with her. I need to know if she was the little girl at Versailles with me and Elise. She looks like the little girl, but it was a long time ago. So, I'm not sure if I'm right or not. That's why I need to ask her- to confirm if it is or not.

"All preparations are underway, Arno." A voice jolted me out of my thoughts.

I turn around to see my good friend Will, short for William "That's good to hear. Any more information, you can tell me about the woman that I was supposed to take out?"

"No, it's like she had disappeared and then suddenly reappeared just like that. It's like she doesn't exist, except she does." Will say as I knew he was stumped.

"That's quite all right. I will soon find out who she is sooner or later." I murmured.

Will murmur "I hope that it'll be soon."

"I do too." I agreed with him.


Madeline's POV:

My conversation with Nickolas doesn't seem right. It's like he was hiding something from me and the lies that little rat had spread about me. Why is it bothering me so much? What could possibly have me worry so much? Did Thomas say something Elise to Nickolas? I don't know. I'm confused about what to do and Thomas could be pressuring the leader about something or spreading more lies about me. I need to do something or my life could possibly end and not by an Assassin, but the Order that I am in.

There was a loud sound that came from behind me. I turn around to see no one there. Can I ever walk in peace for once and not be bothered by someone or something? My fear began to escalate quickly inside of me as I didn't want to run into that Assassin again. I didn't tell Nickolas about me running into an enemy, but that's because other things got in the way. It would probably have caused a lot more problems than there already is.

A realization had dawned on me, that scandalous rat could have been watching my every move. Is that why there are rumors floating around? Is it true and I'm lying to them, but for my own sake though. I'm still lost on what to do and what my consequences would be. If I don't do something soon then I'm afraid that he will have an upper hand on me and make sure that I will die.

Someone grabbed my upper arms and swung me into a wall. I let out a grunt as I struggle in the person's grip. "You think you're so smart and make a fool out of me. You are dead wrong, little girl"

I know that voice and I hissed out "Then you shouldn't have been such a weasel, maybe you'll actually have a spot in the order, but because of you're shady personality. Nickolas didn't trust you enough, you're worthless."

Before he could do anything, I got out of his grip and punch him straight in the mouth. He stumbles away as the lantern illuminate his face. I knew it was the bastard, his voice had always made me agitated. It never ceases to fail with him. What is this man's problem? Why do I have to be the target of him? What did I ever do to him? It must be something more than rank because this doesn't make any sense at all.

Thomas's eyes were full of hatred for me and I couldn't really blame him for it. I never care for him at all. Before I could react he threw a dagger at me and what happened to him earlier had happened to me. He had cut my cheek and now I feel the blood dripping down my skin.

"So, I guess we're even now," I said as I touch my cut gently.

"Oh no, we're far from being even, Madeline," He said smirking at me.

My insides tighten at that smirk as he came at me. I block his swings, but he was pushing me back. I got shove against the building as I move out the way of his punch. He punches the wall as I took a swing at him. I got his cheek as I elbow him in his side and I managed to injure him a little, but not enough where he didn't stop attacking me.

I move around him quickly as he turns around with an angry expression on his face. My fear was strumming through me as I look at him. Is he really trying to kill me, so he can get my rank? No, this is something else. There's something more to this then rank. He truly hates me for whatever I did. I hesitate and that was my biggest mistake as he took advantage of that as he took his right hand, curl it into a fist and drove it straight into my stomach.

My head went flying backward as his knee collided with my head. I fell backward onto my back as I was out of breath and dizzy. I was out of it as he took this chance to straddled me. He wrapped his hands around my throat as he began to squeeze the life out of me. I struggle against him with all of my might. I use my nails and fist to get out of his grip, but nothing was working. I was losing to this guy!

My chest was having a difficult time getting air in as the black dots swarm around my vision. My strength was fading as my head rolled to the side. I couldn't do anything against him. I was losing greatly to his man. Is this what I want? Blood on my hands just to keep my rank in the order? It was like I could see what I would become if I did the same thing as he was doing to me. It was like a wake-up, but a dying one. 

He howled out in pain as his hands loosen around my neck and the air came back into my chest. I gasp as I began to cough and sputter. He got shove off of me as I saw a dark shadowy figure as my eyes were droopy shut. The air came back into me to fast as everything was beginning to spin. I was struggling to get up, but my body collapsed onto the ground. I heard someone's voice as I try to look up at the person, but end up passing out on the person that was standing before me.

I felt myself being lifted off the ground as I began to sink further into the darkness that was waiting for me. I'm grateful to be rescued, but was it by my people or was it the Assassins?

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I apologize for the grammar mistakes and the spelling. I did this chapter on my phone, but I apologize again!

Thank you!

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