Chapter: 37 Recon Mission

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Chapter: 37

Madeline's POV: 

The letter- note was being sent to where my father will receive it and come to the meeting spot of where my mother's grave is. I wasn't happy about it, but I have other things to worry about then my father showing up. We were walking the streets of the Paris as it was the same as well and Arno's arm brush against my arm from time to time. I pretend to not notice that we did, but he was paying attention to it. I was acting oblivious to the small touching, but that was it. It wasn't time for such intimacy with each other. We were out in public and the Templars will gladly use him against me. I will not let that happened at all. 

We were walking to the plaza area as we heard that there was rumors floating around that there was something going on there. It sounded suspicious enough especially when the Templars were planning to bring war to Paris and war against us. It would be brutal and it will be bloody, but we can prevented that from happening. Paris will not fall into disarray again- just because two organizations are going at each other's throats. There will be civilians in danger as well and they will get into the crossfire of what would happened. We can't let that happened no matter what. It would not be good for the people or us. We would lose countless of people because of the Templars. 

We arrive at the plaza area as it wasn't really busy as I thought it'll be. I remember Arno bringing me here when we first met. It wasn't such a nice talk at all and I was more concern with the Templars marking me as a traitor to them, but now I fully am and I don't care. They're going down one way or another and I will make sure of that. Arno was looking around as I was and he motion for me to search that way for anything that would be worth piece of information. Arno went the opposite direction of where I was heading. 

My feet slowly walk past couples here and there and also some bystanders doing absolutely nothing. There was some chit chat here and there, but that was it. A frown was place on my lips as I want to hear something useful than idle gossip. I'm glad that I'm not like most women. It would have drove me insane to be some ordinary woman looking for a man to sweep her off of her feet and take her to fancy dances. It was not my thing at all and if I have stay a Templar. I would have follow in my mother's footsteps. She was the classical kind of girl, but she had strict orders as she was a powerful woman. Then someone had to cruelly murder her on her daughter's sixteenth birthday. 

My feet slow down as I heard a couples of guys talking about how there was an abandon warehouse and at night there were lanterns being lit inside of the building. That was all I needed to hear as it could possibly be the Templars shipping items to god knows where. The question is- what are they doing in the abandoned warehouse? I guess it would be something to look into. I look around and notice that Arno was sitting down on a bench. I walk over to him causally before I took a seat next to him. I asked "Anything?" 

He shook his head "Nothing for me. Did you hear anything that could be useful to us?" 

"There is an abandoned warehouse and at night they lit lanterns. Something is going on in there and we need to find out what it is" I answered his question with a smirk. 

He nodded "Sounds good. Then we will have to wait until night falls and then we can go to where this warehouse is" 

A frown spread across my lips and I let out a small groan "I didn't get the location of where the warehouse could be" 

He smirked at me "That's okay. We can send out a couple of our Assassin's as their assignment and they can report to us where the warehouse is" 

"I would rather do it myself, but okay" I look over at him with a smile. 

He smile back as he murmured "We will stop these Templars and there are going to be bumps in the road along the way there. I promise that we will bring them down. That I can promise you, Madeline" 

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