Chapter: 61 Secrets

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Chapter: 61

Arno's POV:

She was still beautiful and ravishing in that dress of hers. It wanted me to remove it from her slender body and have it pool at her feet. I took a seat in one of the armchairs and Julian took a seat on the sofa. Madeline was sitting in the other armchair as William took a seat on the opposite side of the couch. Madeline lay the folders onto the table before us and spread each file out. Julian was surprised at seeing his file. He gently turned it, so he could get a better look at it. Madeline began to explain, "Mother kept files about each Templar that was in the order."

"I guess that would explain why she ask me so many questions." Julian chuckled at that before leaning back against the sofa. 

A faint smile crosses Madeline's lips as she looks down at Alexandre. It still bothers her that Thomas had murdered him. It wasn't surprising that Thomas did. It must be painful for the both of them. Julian was looking at Madeline with a sadden expression, but something else was there. A burning streak went through me and I cleared my throat, "So, all this time your mother kept these files. What do Thomas and Nickolas's files say?" 

Madeline picks up Thomas while Julian picks up Nickolas. She read through it quickly, "Thomas is brash and hot-headed. Jumping to any conclusions and acting out of paranoia." 

A smirk spread across my lips as Madeline gave a small chuckle, "Your mother didn't like Thomas either."

"Nobody did, but nobody questions him either," Julian added in without looking up from his file.

He continued, "It says here that Nickolas was cool and collective, but she didn't trust him at all. He wouldn't tell her any plans and if he did. He would vaguely inform her. So, all this time. Thomas and Nickolas are working together."

Madeline clenched the folder in her hand and spat out, "How disgraceful."

I let out a sigh, "I don't know how we are going to finish these two off."

William spoke up, "They have been working together. Something doesn't seem right with this."

The entire room went silent and my eyes went to Madeline. Her hands clenching the folder a thoughtful expression on her face. Everyone was thinking of something that could be wrong with this, but nothing was coming to my mind at all. Julian even look puzzled and his gaze was on Madeline as well. A streak of hotness went through me and a scowl escapes from my lips. Suddenly, a sharp gasp escapes from Madeline and we all turn our attention to her. Not Julian as he already had his gaze on her.

William asked softly, "What is it, Madeline?"

Madeline took a few moments before answering while looking at the folder in her hands, "They have been working together from the very beginning. They had planned everything. It all makes sense now."

"The Assassination of my mother, my father had tried murdering me, turning me against the order and getting me out of the way as well. All of it was planned. I had spoken to Nickolas many times and got into constant arguments with Thomas. Each of them getting on my nerves." She began listing the events that lead up to where she is. Tears slowly trickling down her cheeks and her hands began to shake. The realization dawn on her and my eyes went over to Julian. He seems surprised but realizing the same thing.

He spoke softly, "Apparently, they blinded the whole order with their facade."

She didn't look up at him and even though she was still beautifully dressed in her evening gown. Madeline looks like a woman sitting there instead of a Templar or an Assassin. Slowly, I reach out and took her hand in mine. Her tear-filled eyes meeting mine and undying passion was shown there. I was taken back by how much emotion she was showing me, but it set my own heart racing in my chest. Why must she look at like that when I can't kiss her now? The other two were clearly uncomfortable by the heated stare that was share between us.

Madeline didn't break the eye contact with me and as much as I didn't want to. I had to break the eye contact with her. William was trying to hide his smirk and Julian was looking greatly annoyed. His eyes found a vase in the corner of the room and a smirk was spreading across my lips at how much I took pride in making Julian uncomfortable. She's mine. William let out a slow sigh after containing his smirk, "Well, since we kind of figure this out. I believe that it is late and it is time for bed." 

He got up from his chair as we both agreed. Julian gave us one last look before taking his leave as well. Madeline rose from her chair and I sat in mine. My eyes on the documents in front of me. Not realizing what she was doing. She sat on my lap sideways and my eyes snapped up to hers. Her sad expression making me want to make her happy again. It's still a miracle that I have her in my life still. That she is alive and well. My hand went up to her cheek as the silence dragged on between us, but yet I waited for her to say something. 

Her hand cover mine as my other hand was moving up her back. The tension was strong between us, but I didn't want to do anything that she wasn't ready. I simply waited for her to make the first move. To let me know what she wants. Her beautiful green eyes stare into mine and she whispered softly, "Je t'aime." 

"Je t'aime aussi." I return her confession and her lips were on mine. Moving with the passion that follows between us. Our lips molding together as the heat was spiraling between us. The tension rising even further until I couldn't stand it anymore. With a final decision, I pick her up and lead her to my room that I have down the hallway. It didn't take me long to reach it as I had paused in kissing her. She brought my lips back down onto hers as I struggle to open the damn door. Why must everything be so difficult?

With a final turn of the knob, I managed to push it open. Madeline gave a little giggle and that made me happy to hear her in a little bit better move than before. I was happy to hear her giggle. I put her down on her own two feet and pressed my lips to hers. I enjoy kissing her every moment that I have with her. To be able to feel her against me and to know that she is real to me. I am scared to lose her again. It frightens me to no end that I don't want another mishap. I want this to work out.

I want her. No one else.

She closes the door with her foot before I lead her over to the bed. We pause briefly before we lock our lips together. With skillful hands, I was able to unbutton her gown and it falls to the ground in a pool of soft expensive material. Her green eyes look up at me as I slowly brought her over to the bed side. My hands moving through her hair and pulling each of the pins out. Her long beautiful auburn hair curls loosely around her shoulders. My breath hitch in my throat at how gorgeous this woman was in front of me. There were hardly any words to express her beauty. 

Madeline brought my lips to hers again while working to get me out of my robes. It brought a smile to my lips at how much she was having difficulty in removing my assassin robes. I help her out and remove the top along with my stash. They fell to the ground before I undone her under garments. Those also fell to the floor along with my robes. Soon, we were both standing naked against each other. Feeling our bare skin against each other. Our eyes locking with each other. No words were needed between us. This was what we wanted and no one was going to take that away from us. 

Gently, I push her down onto the bed and a smile spread across her lips. I crawled on top of her and kiss her lips. Using my fingers to tease her and rubbed her sensational spots. Soft moans escaping from her pale pink lips and I was only beginning to warm up. 

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I apologize greatly for the long wait on this one. My classes took over and on top of that. I was tutoring someone and helping them pass their classes. Do essays and homework. So, yeah. There was no time for writing at all. T-T I'm so sorry.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Also, thank you guys for being patient and supportive with me! I do realize how long this story is, but nothing can just happen in a few chapters. I mean sure they can, but then it is too short and too fast. And then it will be ruined. So, that's why I dragged this out. :P

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