Chapter: 17 Getting Prepared

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Chapter: 17

Madeline's POV:

The days flew by once again as I began to learn the ways of being an Assassin once more. Arno and I have been getting quite comfortable around each other. I was beginning to enjoy his company, but then again he was the only person that really did talk to me here. William comes in and out bringing me books and other things that I need to learn about the Assassin's. I had fallen asleep at my desk in my room and Arno I had come in to ask me of something, but he realize that I was asleep. I didn't remember him moving me from the desk to the bed, but he told me the next morning.

It has been descent being here and I have truly enjoy learning about the ways of an Assassin. It was what I had wanted all of my life and now I have finally got what I wanted. I slowly began to tell them of the Templar plans as it felt like I was being a snake, but that's what I am right now. I'm nothing more than a traitor to the Templars and that's it. The Assassin's have renew my sense of purpose and now I forever in their debt. Arno also rescue me from being killed or discover by other Assassins that would have killed me right there or worse...Thomas would have come to and with me pass out. He could have potentially end my life right there and then.

The other students here had come up and ask me various of questions. I really like some of them and I was beginning to feel at ease here. The tension in my shoulders slowly began to relax as I look around as I was walking to Arno's office once more. He had sent William to come and get me, so now, I'm walking the halls with William. There were some students here and they wave at me. I nodded back to them and I could tell William notice, but I couldn't tell if he was smiling or not. He was difficult to read sometimes and he was always silent. The only person he seem to really talk to was Arno.

Arno show me another way of going outside and not to be stuck inside. The roof of the building was where I usually go when it's night time. It was peaceful and nobody would disturb me there. Arno doesn't even doesn't me and rarely he does, but that's because he wanted to go over something or ask something of me to do. We reach his office as William open the door and we walk into his office- with me right behind him. Arno look up from what he was doing and smile at both of us. "There she is..." He said smiling.

I haven't really learn not to be serious all the time, but I have slowly began to smile once more. I only nodded to him as William asked "Shall we tell her now?"

"Indeed, we shall" Arno answered smirking.

"Tell me what?" I asked as my curiosity was burning through me.

Arno answered smiling at me now "I have decided that it was time for you to go take your first assignment outside"

"My what?" I asked as I felt frozen in place.

"You're assignment, that's what we called it here. You'll be with me and we will be hunting down the first Templar and that would be-" He began to explain.

I cut him off by holding my hand up "It would be Alexandre Michael Hamilton II"

William and Arno's eyes had widen up at me and I asked "What? Did you guys think that I wouldn't know who was all involved in?"

Arno clear his throat "No, I just didn't think you remember his full name"

"Why is that?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

Arno was clearly uncomfortable as he knew what walking on thin ice with me "Never mind that. Yes, we would be going after him first"

I nodded "Very well. When do we leave?"

"Now" Arno said as he walk over to me as he wrap a belt around my waist and my cheeks began to burn from how close he was.

I could feel his fingers against my waist even though I had clothes on between my skin and his. He step back as he strap the hidden blade to my wrist "This is one is new and have been tested, so you shouldn't have any trouble with it"

I nodded to him as I didn't say anything. William was watching us and I couldn't really tell if he was or not, because of the hood that was framing his eyes. I do know that he is watching us, because I could feel his gaze on me. Arno step back with admiration and a smirk on his lips "Well, my masterpiece is perfection, if I do say so myself"

"I'm not a piece of art, Arno" I said as I folded my arms across my chest.

"Indeed, you're not, but something more" He said mysteriously before walking to the door.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" I asked as he open the door.

"For me to found out and you to follow me now" He answered smirking as he left the room and I hurry to catch up to him.

I look at William and he only smirk before pointing to the door. I shook my head as I ran out of the room to catch up to Arno that was already about halfway down the hallway.


We were on the streets of Paris as it felt wonderful to finally be walking somewhere and not be stuck in a building for however long. It didn't feel like I was being watch, which is good, I guess. Arno was leading through the crowd as we were getting close to a large building. I realize that it was an important place as I knew instantly that is where Alexandre would be. I stop to gaze upward at the building and Arno notice that I have stop.

I look over at the fence to see the armed guards there and I walk over to the fence as a man had caught my eye. My eyes spotted the familiar blonde short hair guy and it was Alexandre Michael Hamilton II. A guilty feeling was creeping into my veins as he was only new to the Templar's ranks. He only started and now I will have to end his life. My eyes follow his every move as he was pointing and directing where things were going.

Arno stood next to me and simply watch as well. He didn't say anything and I was grateful that he didn't. I know this will be my true test and I have to come to terms on my own. I made have known them and the others have been really nice to me, but I chose this path because of the Grand Master, himself. He will pay for everything just like Thomas will.

I turn away as I walk away and further down the street as my heart felt heavy in my chest. This has to be the way and only way for me to get my freedom that I want. Elise and my mother will be avenged one or another. I will show them no mercy.

I only hope that I can go through this with this...

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