Chapter: 35 Taking Action

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Chapter: 35

Madeline's POV:

We were walking down the street as a couple of days have passed normally as they could. There was something different about Arno. I don't know entirely, but he seem more relax for whatever reason. He didn't seem so worry about what we were going to do today. It's a little strange to see him this way, but my heart thumps inside of my chest constantly when he is near me. He makes my cheeks burn and I feel different around him. In a nice way and not a horrible way. I can't read him like I can other people. He isn't guarded at all, but I don't know what to think about him. 

The streets were crowded as usual, which isn't surprising at all. I saw woman dressed in fancy color dresses and hats that had feathers in them. They were beautiful, but it was so normal for them. I couldn't see myself wearing those dresses ever as I was completely different from them. I had to do that once while I was Templar and I really didn't like being in a dressed as it made me feel vulnerable to everything bad that could have happened. Arno was probably going to end my life right then and there, but he didn't. I don't know if it was because of Thomas or if he just chose not to.

A sigh escape from me as I look over at Arno to see he was looking around. We were getting close to where we were going to end the life of Marcus. The second Templar that I don't really know and only work with- once. It was different as I had no feelings of conflict going through me at all. Alexandre didn't need to died and everyone should get a second chance like I did- or at least I like to think that this is a second chance for me. I could be wrong, but that's how I think about me joining their side. We slow to a stop as we were coming to gate that would lead us inside the building in where Marcus was located at. 

Arno look over at me as he gave me a warm smile "Ready?" 

I nodded as I murmured "Of course I am" 

We took out the guards that were guarding the entrance and once we did. We got rid of them quickly before Arno gave me a smirk before we walk back over to the fence area. He kneel down in front of the fence and I stood right behind him- to keep him out of sight. A smile was place on my lips as he fiddle with the lock as I scan the area around us. We were clear as far as I can see and the gate open. I back up thinking that Arno was walking inside the front yard, but I was wrong. I back up into him and I turn around with my cheeks burning once more. I snapped "You could have gone in first" 

He gave me a smirk "I was going to be a gentleman and let the lady go in first" 

I rolled my eyes "This isn't the time to being a gentleman" 

"I could be rougher if you like?" He asked with mischief in his eyes as the smirk was still on his lips. 

My cheeks burn even more as I knew he meant something different with that. I shook my head, but move forward pass him as I was too fluster to even think of something to say back to him. We walk across the lawn as I look around seeing a garden here. The front door was coming undone as Arno yanked me down into a bush. I shot a narrow look and he just gave me a smirk, but we watch through the bush of who was coming out of Marcus's home. A woman dressed causally and a little boy that was holding his mother's hand. 

My heart squeeze at the sight of Marcus kissing the woman and running his hand through the boy's hair. I fell backwards onto my arse as I didn't know whether to end his life now. The boy would like me with a dead parent like me. Arno grab my hand and gave it a squeeze as I look up at him. He gave me a look of concern as I just shook my head. Once the door close once again and the mother and the son disappeared out of sight. I move around the house as I slowly open a window before crawling through it. Arno follow me inside the building. 

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