Chapter: 32 The Mysterious Meeting

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Chapter: 32

Madeline's POV:

We came to a graveyard as I was curious in what they were doing here, but I'll find out soon enough in what's going on here. I follow them into the graveyard as the sun was beginning to set. The long shadows help out a lot as it would cause our shadows to be seen, but the buildings that surrounding the graveyard kept our shadows hidden. We both crouch down as we hid behind a bush and they stop in front of a grave, but they didn't seem to be interested in the tombstone. We got closer, but not too close where they would see us. My heart was pounding in my chest as I was nervous about them and what they would do if we were caught. They didn't seem to know that we were here, but I'll never know with these guys.

I look over to see Marcus looking around before beginning to say "Thank you for meeting with me, gentlemen. As you have heard we are planning for an attack on the Assassins, but we don't know where they are located. It doesn't matter to us though. We will have an army ready to defeat them and they will come out of their hiding"

My eyes widen as my jaw drop open as I knew that this was what they were planning all along, but I wasn't quite sure. Nickolas didn't send me out to do anything or sent me to do this kind of work like Marcus is doing. I don't know if it was because of Thomas or some other reason. My hands clench into fists as I knew this, but not enough information on what they were doing. I thought it was just one of Nickolas ideas, but it looks like I was wrong. It all make sense now as why they were collecting info on the assassins. I also know why we have been sending out so much letters and it was because of this. This is why they have been doing all of those things. It was for the war that was going to come for the Templars and the Assassins.

"So, if we join with you guys? Will we confront the assassins in a bloody battle?" One of the new Templars asked.

Marcus nodded his head "Yes. It will be a little off, but we have been preparing every step of the plan precisely"

"Then why am I hearing about this rogue Templar that's on the loose then?" Another one asked as I could tell he was skeptical of the Templar that was standing before him.

"She is being taken care of and will be out of the way soon" Marcus answered as I couldn't tell what his expression was.

"How do you plan on doing that?" The skeptical one asked.

"By going after her of course and Thomas is planning something to take her down once and for all" Marcus answered, but he didn't have an expression on his face. It was unreadable. 

The skeptical gave his a look as he didn't really trust him, but he let out a sigh and murmured "Fine" 

"When shall we be here for the war?" One of the Templars asked. 

"In six months, we are planning the war against the Assassins. We will finally get rid of them once and for all" Marcus answered. 

The Templar's were all arguing as they started to leave the area and my hands were clench as my head was lower. I can't believe this and he was planning this with everyone else. Thomas thinks he can get rid of me that easily. There's no chance of that at all. He will failed just like everyone else that comes after me. I will come back swinging and then they will think twice for doing that. I will not let him or anyone get in my way of doing what needs to be done. I got up from where I was standing and face the back of Marcus's back. 

I started to move through him, but Arno held me back from doing so. He pulled me back thoughs him and he whispered in my ear "Were out number and I think we shall let him leave for now, but we'll be back for him" 

My eyes didn't leave Marcus's back until he had gotten into the carriage with the Templars and they were off. I let out a sigh as I knew Arno was right, but I could have taken them on. I knew the ways of the Templars and now I know the ways of the Assassins- well a little still. I still don't know how to really work with the hidden blade as I still need practice on it. Arno slowly let go of my hand as he stood in front of me. I look away from him as I felt ashamed and useless. They were planning a war with the Assassins and it's all my fault. 

He gently grab my chin as he pulled my face up though his and I didn't look at him still. He whispered "Look at me, Madeline" 

I did as he say and look up at him as his hand move to my cheek. It felt warm as he tuck a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. He murmured "Don't start thinking it's your fault. You have told us all that you know of the Templar's plan so far. I know you didn't get enough information before everything began to change, but I promise you that we will stand and fight against them. We will put an end to these Templars and we will stop the war at all cost" 

A sigh escape from me, but I nodded "Arno, I should have known what they were doing in the first place" 

"You didn't know until now. It's okay, Madeline" He murmured. 

I felt my heart squeezing in my chest as I felt his other hand cup my cheek as the other one didn't leave my face. He lowered his head down though mine as the air felt heavy between us once more and my breathing had become shallow. My mind was becoming a blank as he was coming closer to me. My hands place themselves on his waist as we were close to each other. There wasn't anyone around and not William here either. He came closer to me as he was an inch away and our breaths were mingling with each other's now. 

My heart gave a squeeze as I squirm out of his grip and walk away from him. My heart was pounding in my chest as my cheeks were burning. I can't be doing this right now. I promise myself that my feelings would not get in the way of this. We have important things to do and this is not one of them. My feelings rush through me as I long for him to hold me in his arms, but I just can't. It just can't happen and I don't know what Elise would say. I can't go forth with these feelings with him. It just can't happen. 


We arrive back at the bureau as we were walking down the halls now. It was an uncomfortable silence between us, but we didn't say anything to each other. We reach his office as he went into his office first and I follow him in. William was there waiting for us as he look up from a book that he was reading. I took a seat on the sofa as I lend back. It felt nice after what we have been through. I let out a sigh of relief as I felt exhausted from today. Arno sat down, but opposite side and William chose a chair that was closer. 

He asked "So, what had happened with the Templar Marcus?" 

"He's planning a war between Templars and Assassins. He wants an actual war between the two groups" Arno answered. 

William's eyes widened "When is this supposed to happened then?" 

"In six months" I answered letting out a slow sigh. 

"That's not enough time for everyone to get prepared" William protested as he was worried. 

"Don't worry. We are trying to find some way to stop them from going forth with this. We will just have to find something to slow them down" Arno reassured his friend. 

"Let's hope we can, because they already have a head start" I murmured while folding my arms across my chest as I wasn't very happy at all. 

"They're gathering other Templar's from everywhere" Arno added in as well. 

"So, I guess it looks like we have to take out their supplies and weapons. We need to find their warehouses and stop their production and we need to find the other Templars that are here and put a stop to them as well" William began to list things that needed to be done. 

"Marcus will not be expecting us tomorrow and that's when we will strike him" I narrow my eyes as I felt my determination burning through me. 

"Good and I shall get the locations on where their warehouses and plans" William nodded through me. 

I nodded back before getting up and leaving the office. I didn't look at Arno and he look at me, but I refused to look at him. This is going to get tougher by the days as we have to plan for a war that would be coming to us. We can't have any distractions and that means Arno will have to move on. I can't fall for the man that will possibly died as our lives are on the line now! How can he have these feelings for me?! Am I even right about him? I shook my head as all of this was confusing and I can't believe I got myself into this mess! 

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