Chapter 3

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"So I was thinking it can start off with some sort of heavy breathing. It's a song about mental struggle and to add more to the verses and the chorus I feel like there should be some sort of address. I'm just kind of stuck on that part."

Jo, Kat, and Raven all sit silently, their thoughts moving and gears turning until Jo looks back up at me.

"I think I know what else we can add. It's a song about an inner struggle. All four of us have dealt with shit, some similar, some completely different. If you don't mind, I'd like to try something?"

My eyes rest softly on my best friend and I see the hope in her eyes. She needs this. Having the words just fall out of me last night felt like the release I needed. I can tell that Jo needs the same. I nod with a sympathetic smile and hand my lyric book to her, playing the recording over and over.

The four of us work hard for the next few hours while we run ideas through trial and error until we come up with lyrics we all love and resonate with, along with some instrumentals.

I fiddle with my guitar for a while, playing a chord repeatedly back and forth, on key with the same beginning chords from the keyboard last night and Kat widens her eyes, snapping her fingers and pointing at me.

"Don't stop doing that! Do not stop. That is perfect."

She starts recording my playing and I continue the same pattern and chord progression until the three of them smile and start singing the lyrics, making my heart flip with joy. It's like a puzzle piece being placed perfectly, leaving only a few empty spaces but getting just one bit closer to the final product.

A small victory.

"Perfect! That was awesome!" I cheer once we stop and laugh loudly until I see the time and see that we're out of our studio time for the day.

I look down at my phone, seeing the address that Scarlett sent and wave to the girls before Jo jogs over to me, linking her arm through mine.

"Where you off to? Wanna grab lunch?"

"Ah, sorry, I can't. I'm actually...meeting a new friend." I smile cheekily and Jo gasps, slapping my arm, "Who is she!"

"What? How do you know it's a she? I have guy friends."

"True, but none of your guy friends make you smile like that. Plus, I can tell it's someone you're crushing on so, who's the girl?"

Shaking my head with a laugh, I put my phone in my pocket, unsure of what to say. I can tell Jo, right? It's not like my friendship with Scarlett is a secret. I just can't sell her number. She made that clear.

"If I tell you, you keep it to yourself, got it?"

She ponders for a moment, making me glare at her but I just groan and nudge her shoulder, "Jo–" "I'm messing with you! Of course. Now spill."

I begin to tell her about the night at the club last month and then the gym yesterday. While I explain everything, her jaw is practically on the floor but she attempts to hold it in so that I can finish. When I finally do, she laughs loudly with a gasp of shock.

"Oh my god! My best friend is friends with Scarlett Johansson! So I'm second adjacent, meaning I'm connected to her too. Please introduce me, Y/N please."

"I'll think about it. I also don't think that's a thing," I smirk down at her and reach my car, opening the door and releasing my arm from her grasp.

"Tell her I will have her babies."

"Jesus, Jo!"

She throws her head back and cackles loudly, patting my arm and gesturing me into my car. I get in and smile up at her but she frowns, making my smile drop instantly.

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