Chapter 55

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A/N: Yeah're welcome for this chapter. If you're around family starting this chapter right now...don't be :)

Scarlett POV

"Thank you so much for coming in the first time, Y/N. I can't believe it's all done. 1 week and it's finished!" Taylor hugs Y/N and then hugs me, "I am so glad you came down Scarlett. The song really came together. Happy you got to see the finished product before anyone else."

Before I can speak, Y/N wraps their arm over my shoulders, "She didn't give me much of a choice. Threatened me sleeping on the couch and going abstinent."

I shoot up a playful glare at her and shrug, "Works every time."

"Well I'm glad, what are you two up to for the rest of the day?"


Throwing my elbow into their side, she groans and chuckles while I hold on a steady, wide smile.

"Rose is at school, mom has Callie for the day and Y/N and I are going to get lunch."

Looking between us, Taylor narrows her gaze to a knowing glance before nodding and clicking her tongue, walking us out of the studio in her house and leading us to the front door.

"Well, I hope you both enjoy your lunch. I gotta meet up with Sel anyways."

"Tell her we say hi," Y/N grins and we hug once more before walking out and head to the car.

"Seriously?" I hiss to Y/N once we're in and they throw their head back laughing, "Am I wrong?"

"Doesn't mean we go and tell people that, dumbass."

Y/N weaves through traffic like we're in GTA, snorting and laughing, placing her hand on my inner thigh and giving it a squeeze, "Your mom getting Rose?"

"Yep. House all to ourselves until the morning."

"First night we are both away from Callie since she's been born, you gonna be okay?"

My laugh comes out instantly but I widen my eyes when I feel their surprised gaze.

"Sorry. Yes, I will be okay. Of course I'm a bit nervous being away from her when she's just about 2 months old but Mom's got her. Rose will be there too. Now get us home so I can ride your dick until the sunset."

Her eyebrows raise before she snickers and nods, "Copy that."

They go to speed up but slam on the breaks when we reach traffic. I stare at the cars and mentally curse the universe as my hands curl into fists and I grunt.

"God, can't we just get home and have fucking sex?! Is that too much to ask, universe!" I shout and Y/N sighs, "What she said."

I close my eyes and groan, leaning my cheek on my palm before I glance over and spot Y/N tapping their hands on their thighs. My gaze travels to between, then back up to the cars stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

"Eyes on the road in case traffic moves," I say and Y/N frowns, "Wait, what?"

Without responding, I unzip her jeans and pull them down slightly, watching with satisfaction as their eyes bulge, "Woah, what are you doing?"

"Starting the marathon early. What, you don't wanna?"

She looks over at me and breathes out a gleeful chuckle, "Get after it, Johansson."

When I lean over, their hand hits my ass, making me yelp and giggle before reaching under their boxers and working my hand on it until it's hard enough, then I pull the boxers down a bit so I can put my mouth on the tip, giving it a small lick.

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