Chapter 46

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Ayyoooooooo Attendance Time

Scarlett POV

After the performance and interview, I had to head to my own meetings and shoots. Then I had to have my very secret meeting with Kevin.

He sighs when he sits down with me, making me raise a curious eyebrow, "You already killed my character so what else do you have in store for me?"

Kevin chuckles and nods, "I know I know. But I have an idea and I wanted to know your opinion on it."

I tilt my head with intrigue and he slides over a poster that's all black except for the film title.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Frowning, I tap my fingers on the table and look back up at him, "Cumberbatch and Lizzie's movie? What's this got to do with me?"

Feige smirks and folds his hands together, "Well. We are having Strange and Wanda star in this film. So Lizzie returning as Wanda in this film is continuing on her story from WandaVision and her story in this film is going to be...complicated.."


He nods and wipes his thumb over his bottom lip, staring down at the poster, "We were wondering if, as part of the multiverse, you would come back. As Wanda's wife in another universe."

My eyes widen, almost falling out of my head as I stare at him in complete shock. I thought this part of my life was over, that I'd be saying goodbye to Natasha forever.

"I-I don't understand."

Kevin opens a folder and slides a picture over to me, a sketch of Natasha and Wanda in a house together, two little boys between them.

"Earth 838 in the multiverse. Wanda and you got together. You never had to sacrifice yourself for the soul stone and you two got to live your lives together. With Billy and Tommy. The point of this is that the Wanda we know in our universe is going to see this Wanda and try to steal her kids back. But she is going to spot you, along with your universe's Wanda and the kids, that's when reality hits her and realizes that she can't take a life Natasha has always wanted away."

My mind reels as I try to imagine what's going on, it barely makes sense in my mind, but in all fairness, not much with Marvel does ever make sense. I'm just happy that he wants me back.

"Is that going to be it then? One more movie and then I'm gone for good?"

"Not quite," He smirks and it leaves me even more confused.

"Kevin, you're losing me. This isn't the MCU's normal universe, so how is that going to be possible?"

"Well, the idea here is that the multiverse is full of infinite universes, several of them being places where they've conquered time travel, one of them being where the Avengers were able to get you back from Vormir."

I laugh now and shake my head while he spits out all this information, "Okay, I will do the movie, of course. You know I love Natasha. But you're losing me on everything else. So you're telling me that Wanda is going to also see those other universes and people will tell her how they did it and she is going to...bring me back?"

"Essentially, in simple terms, yes."

"Alright then. You have melted my brain, this was great. Does Lizzie know?"

"She was made aware yes, feel free to discuss with her."

"Perfect. Well keep me in the loop as usual, I look forward to it. Thank you for wanting me back."

We both stand up and I walk over to him for a handshake, then we hug.

"You knew we couldn't let you go forever, right? We'll discuss contract and other things in a few weeks."

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