Chapter 41

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Hey guys! Sorry been a bit MIA but I moved across the country, am now living in CO and been settling but I'm here!

Scarlett POV

I stalk over to the door, whipping it open fully until I freeze in place, seeing Y/N on the ground, blue lips, skin pale, vomit coming out of their mouth. There's tinfoil beside her, burnt with something bubbling, along with a little clear pipe looking thing.

Their body is convulsing, eyes wide, pupils almost so small I can't even see them.

"Y/N? Y/N! Oh my god, oh my god," My voice shatters as I fall to my knees beside them, trying to shake her awake. I pat their cheek and they look at me, eyes tearing up until her life drains before my eyes.

The shaking stops, and so does the choking.

I press my ear to their chest but hear nothing, my heart feeling like it's absolutely crumbling inside of me. My body shakes, instant waterworks break out, and I shake my head rapidly.

"No. No, don't do this to me. NO!"

My body jumps up in bed, sweat coating my skin as I grab at what was once Y/N's body in my line of vision, but is now just air matter in front of me.

Another nightmare.

The same damn nightmare.

I blink the blurriness away and glance at the clock, seeing the time.

4:32 AM

My ears pick up on screams down the hall. Cries.

And my heart drops immediately.


Pulling myself out of bed, I rub my eyes and walk over to the door and pull it open, shuffling across the floors towards Y/N's bedroom until I open their door and hear her whimpering.


"Y/N, Darling," I whisper and move closer, seeing the sweat beads on their forehead as they turn side to side, chest rapidly rising and falling.

"D-dad, stop. Leave her...a=alone."

Her voice is a weak, broken plead, but it rips at my heart strings immediately. I reach down and place my hand on their forehead, ripping my hand away when I feel how hot they are, feel how quickly their body is trembling.

"Y/N, wake up," I mutter and mentally will her to awaken, but she doesn't.

They continue to thrash and cry out, hands clawing at her own neck, gasping for air as if they're choking. My body propels forward onto the bed, sitting on the edge while I grab at her hands, "Y/N, wake up!" I shout but she still remains asleep.

"Let go of me! Leave her alone!" Y/N screams now, shaking and trying to throw me off, crying, body shivering and sweating profusely.

I rack my brain for ideas, not understanding how to wake them from a nightmare this intense until I hear her actually gasping for air. She can't breathe.

"Darling, Sweetie, please. It's me! You're safe, it's me, wake up," I grab their shoulders and shake, pulling them up until her eyes shoot open and she screams, trying to shove me off but I just grip them tighter, hugging them.

"GET OFF ME!" Y/N shrieks and tries to shove me again. I grunt but shake my head, "It's me! It's Scarlett, Y/N. You're safe! It's okay," I whisper towards the end and cradle their head in my hands, kissing the side of her head sweetly.

I can feel their pulse beating against my own chest, her hands wild and shaky, breath ragged and terrified.

"It's me, baby, it's me. You're safe."

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