Chapter 56

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Scarlett POV

My hands hold the headphones to Calliope's ears, making sure the loud sound doesn't bother her too much while her mother performs their newest singles for the album releasing next week.

I gotta give it to Y/N. I have never seen them work so damn hard in her life. Of course, they always work hard, but their first solo album?

Convincing them to let me listen was hard, they kept out a few songs so hearing them live now just warms my heart. But the past few weeks haven't been all that easy.

Now that Rose's first year of kindergarten is going to be over next month and Calliope's 4 months old, it has been kind of hard.

The past few weeks Y/N has been at the studio day and night, working their ass off. They brought me a few times and I brought the girls every now and then, but I haven't gotten to see much of Y/N since the other month when we had that entire day to ourselves.

And it was the best day I've had in a while.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but I have needs. And my needs include fucking my partner, cuddling with them at night, and doing the stupid shit we used to do like spontaneous adventures and dates, having sex on every piece of furniture in the house, them surprising me at work and hyping me up before filming.

"This song is going to be a bit different...for those of you that know me or my story, I'm sure you are aware that the past year has been...well though. Actually, my whole life has kinda been one steaming hot pile of shit."

I break into a smile while everyone laughs with Y/N. Seeing her talking about their life with a smile makes my heart just buzz with joy, seeing how comfortable they are with themselves and her trauma.

"Yeah, well. Dealing with all of that hasn't been easy. I'm sure some of you can relate, we all have our troubles, our trauma. And sometimes it gets the best of us and we give in to temptation, we make mistakes...I have made too many to count...and for that, I am sorry." Their gaze lands on me, her eyes apologetic and adoring all at once.

A weight pulls at my chest, a sad cloud looming over me knowing that Y/N still feels all this guilt for what we went through last summer.

"But through all that darkness, when life was dragging me through the mud, when the tunnel seemed too long and scary and lonely, a light entered my life, guiding me through, always being my shoulder to lean on. So um...Scarlett? Can you please make your way over here my love?"

They turn to me as everyone starts clapping and I have to try blinking the tears away as Lizzie and Jo clap and start pushing me forward while also taking Callie from me. Rose giggles and looks up at me, "Go mommy!"

Y/N looks at me while I stand backstage and has this absolutely stunning smile on their face. The kind of smile you only read about in books, world-stopping, heart burning, electrifying smile.

With a shake of my head and a nervous laugh I step out on stage, the intensity of applause and cheers making me jump and laugh as Y/N takes my hand while a stage crew member brings a stool on stage.

They pull me into a hug and kiss the side of my head, making me giggle and mumble, "You are full of surprises, Mitchell."

"Always, my love."

Everyone's screaming but all I can focus on is Y/N right now. I have no idea what's happening but I just know it's going to be something that will most likely make my cry tears of joy.

"Everyone, this is my incredibly stunning girlfriend and mother to my child, Scarlett Johansson!" Y/N shouts into her mic, making the entire venue blow up with cheers, the mainstage lights bright and one big spotlight on us.

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