Chapter 21

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Ayoooo attendance time!

Your POV

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the jury, your honor, my name is Alison Saros, and I represent the defendant Y/N Mitchell on this very important case. The defendant stands here falsely accused of attempted murder in the first degree, a very serious crime. At the conclusion of the case we will ask for a verdict of not guilty."

I glance down at my hands and chew on my bottom lip, nodding with a dry throat, "so that's an opening statement?" I whisper hoarsely and Alison speaks through the phone.

"Yep. Simple, easy, clean. A good catch, and stating the willed verdict."

My eyes travel over to my half-full cup of hot coffee, seeing the other cup I made for Scarlett full and sitting, steaming. She didn't even touch it this morning.

She came downstairs, seeing that I already woke Rose up and got her ready for school, mumbled a "thank you", looked at the coffee I made for her, and left with her out the door. Didn't even touch the warm beverage.

I can only imagine that it's because of the way I left the bedroom this morning. She's probably pissed.

"We can do this, Y/N. We've gathered people to go on the stand at your defense, Colin won't get away with this. You need to trust me, Y/N. Trust that I won't let you go down without a damn good fight."

Pursing my lips together, I think about the ways in which Colin can spin this, counter the argument of his abuse on Scarlett and Rose. Counter the evidence and say I or Scarlett is crazy and we even conspired against him.

His original statement is irrelevant, saying that I fought him for Scarlett, that I also manipulated and threatened Scarlett to be with me.

Which is ridiculous because we aren't even together...officially. I know Scarlett's probably angry about this morning and I know I need to talk to her but if we were to be together right now then it wouldn't end well.

For her, for me, or for Rose.

I don't want to drag them into this more than they already are in it. It's not fair.

I just want to protect her, that's what I have always wanted.

"You're right. Thank you for all the hard work you've been doing, Alison."

"We'll be in touch."

She hangs up and I groan, leaning back in my chair with my hands rubbing down my face stressfully. When my phone begins ringing again I whine out loud and lean back forward to see who's calling.


Picking it up, I put the phone to my ear and sigh, "What's up."

"Someone's grouchy. How'd the premiere go?"

Squeezing my eyes shut and pinching the bridge of my nose, I sigh again, "Fine. Plenty of buzz about it."

"Oh please, you two looked hot. But I will say, the way that woman was looking at you? Oof. So let me guess, you guys did it afterwards, huh?"

Jo snickers on the other end of the line, making me chuckle back and stand up, taking my coffee downstairs to my studio.

"I don't kiss and tell."

A loud, ear-piercing shriek makes me pull the phone away painfully, hissing at the sound and rubbing my now ringing ear.

"I knew it! Y/N Rae Mitchell you sly asshole! How was it? Was it amazing? Is she there right now? Please tell me she professed her clear and undeniable love for you."

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