Chapter 38

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Ask and you shall receive. I know y'all are impatient as hell.

⚠️TW: Definitely heavy drug-related & addiction topics in this one. Read at your own risk⚠️

Scarlett POV

My phone has been ringing off the walls all day. Missed calls from Lizzie and Jo, text messages. I don't even have the energy to read them. All I can do is sit in bed and watch movies. That's what I've been doing the past 2 days.

Doors locked, no one comes in, and I sure as hell am not leaving.

Y/N hasn't even texted me once.

Guess I really burned that bridge.

No, they did that to themselves. I haven't heard or seen any news of them going to rehab, so until then, I will not feel sorry and will not speak to her. Not unless she actually wants to get help.

I meant what I said the other day, I can't be with someone who doesn't love themselves to begin with.

And I sure as hell won't let them get near Rose unless they're clean and sober.

So I had Romain keep Rose all week. My daughter comes first in all situations. No matter how much I love Y/N, Rose is my priority.

I lift up the chip from the bag and drop it in my mouth, chewing it until a wave of unease hits me. Frowning, I hold my stomach, waiting for it to pass but when I feel a load coming up my throat I instantly jump to my feet and sprint to the bathroom.

My hands fumble for the seat, flipping it up and releasing all the vomit into the toilet. I go through 3 rounds until I am sure nothing else is coming up, then I flush and wipe my face off.

I stare into the mirror, eyeing down the bags that have formed under my eyes and the mess that it my rat's nest of hair. Pressing my hand to my forehead, I feel for a fever, then open the drawer to find a thermometer to place under my tongue.

Once it beeps, I pull it away and read that my temperature is at 98.7. No fever.

This is the second day in a row.

My eyes rest on my own in the reflection, my hands leaning on the sink counter as I reminisce all that has happened the past few days. I saw on the internet that Y/N went out yet again after Lizzie and Jo left.

But in the images, she looked horrible. I mean seriously, their eyes were bloodshot, shoulders hunched over. Even her hair looked like crap.

But still, they went out to the club, probably got high, and ignored everything I told her.

Part of me wants to murder them, just choke them out for being so selfish and self-destructive. But the other part of me knows that addiction is one of the most difficult things to overcome.

As terrified as I am knowing that Y/N is out there on the streets doing God knows what, I know that an addict sometimes has to actually hit rock bottom. And I am aware that no one else can stop that from happening but Y/N.

I just pray that they get help in time. I pray that she doesn't have to hit rock bottom.

Seeing them snorting Oxycodone off that coffee table was enough for me. And I never want to see them like that again. it was heartbreaking, gruesome, worse than any horror movie I have ever seen.

And now the stress and pain of that is catching up to me, probably being the reason I am throwing up right now. I remember the urge of wanting to that morning, I remember my emotions flying about, how I jumped from angry to heartbroken to caring every other minute.

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