Chapter 5

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Attendance Here :) 

I don't know how long I was sleeping for, but when I woke up there was someone else on the couch with me, curled up against my front.

I frown, rub my eyes, and see the waves of blonde, a red and blonde wig on the floor. She's still in the suit from filming and her breathing is even, telling me she's asleep.

Slowly and surely, I sit up and lean over to get a look at her face. Her mascara is smeared, a trail of it going down her cheek. She was crying.

As much as I shouldn't be happy she is upset, part of me jumps for joy inside knowing that she sought me out for comfort when she was crying.

My hand gently shakes her shoulder as I whisper, "Scarlett. Hey."

It takes a moment but she opens her eyes and furrows her eyebrows, searching around before she gains her bearings and turns her head to me, smiling shyly as she sits up.

"Sorry I just...I saw you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you but I just...I don't know."

I sit up on the couch now and shake my head, my eyes trying to find hers while she wipes at her stained cheeks.

"Don't apologize. Do you want to talk about it?"

Scarlett sniffles and stands up, going to the makeup table to remove the makeup on her face, swallowing thickly.

"Just the scene. It took a few takes because I kept crying but I did it. And I walked off set crying even more after everyone hugged me. Just hard, that's all."

I try to figure out what kind of scene it could've been in an Avengers film but I don't ask, knowing that she can't tell me either way. But given the clear pain she's experiencing, I can kind of piece together that it's something to do with her character.

I know how much she loves playing Natasha, she's been playing her for 10 years now, it's like she raised her. She's the one who made her who she is, she puts her heart and soul into this franchise and that role.

So if she's crying this much, that can only mean that her character either loses someone or her character dies. Fuck me, I really hope it isn't the second option, even though it feels like it is.

"I'm sorry. But hey, you got through it. Now you get to have some greasy free fast food, a treat from yours truly, and you get to watch me fail at making a song."

I say that and place a gentle hand on her cheek, wiping the newly formed tears as they stream down. It hurts to see her cry. It hurts seeing it on screen but in person is just so much worse. I never want to see her cry like this.

When she leans her head more into my hand, allowing my arm to support her weight, I can visibly see her cheering up even before the smile forms on her beautiful face.

"I would love some greasy food."

"Well good. And as hot as you look in that getup, I think you should change before Marvel Studios tracks you down and puts you behind bars." I widen my eyes in mock fear, making her snort with laughter as she stands up and nods, "Good point."

Without a warning, she slips out of the suit, leaving her in an almost seamless bra and a thong. My eyes nearly bulge out of my head before I slap my hand over them, "A warning next time!"

Scarlett laughs, "Sorry."

I turn around, making sure to give her privacy but the image of her backside in just a bra and underwear imprints itself into my memory.

God her body is That image makes my mind go places. Places where I'm the one taking that suit off and she's gasping for air while I–no. No.

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