Chapter 39

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Imma remind y'all at the end too but I've officially made a TikTok account for this Wattpad account in particular (If you know my main TikTok, shut your mouth...Ari.) The user is: @andshesweird_wttpd

But feel free to follow it! I plan on making some hint videos, giving you guys some BTS on how these ideas come to me, the process, etc.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Your POV

I wake up gasping for air, feeling sweat trickling down my face.

"You're okay, Y/N, it's me," My hearing is a bit foggy, but I know that raspy voice anywhere.

My eyes focus in to see Scarlett staring at me with wide, concerned eyes, a soft, supportive smile on her face while she holds my sopping wet and sweaty hand.

The doctor comes over and flashes a light in my eyes, "Follow the light for me, Mx. Mitchell."

I try breathing as my eyes follow the glowing light, but it becomes more difficult. My head swivels and I can hear this voice in my head begging me to find Oxy.

No. This is just withdrawal. Push through.

All of a sudden, I feel an overwhelming need to vomit.

"Jo, hand me the basin," Scarlett rushes and places her hand on my back while quickly shoving the basin under my chin. As if on cue, I start to vomit, my stomach burning as I do so, coughing it all out.

It invites a headache on while I keep throwing up, gagging into the basin, but it's all bile since I haven't eaten in nearly a full 24 hours.

"You're okay, just let it out, Y/N," Scarlett murmurs into the top of my head, running her soft fingers through my short hair.

My body constricts, feeling like it's squeezing all my organs until the point of bursting. I groan out in agony, reaching for Scarlett's hand. She picks up on it instantly and takes my hand as more bile comes out.

After a few moments, she slips out of my grasp and walks out of my sight to the side.

Lizzie rushes over in her place, "Alright, you're alright."

Once I know I'm done, the doctor wipes under my nose with a tissue and takes the basin, "Looks like your withdrawal has begun. Now I need to warn you, rehabilitation won't be easy. You think puking like this is hard? Just wait until you get there. But if you really want this, and I think you do, on top of needing it, you must be strong. Okay?"

I nod weakly at the woman even though my brain is screaming for me to just find oxy. We're in a hospital, they gotta have it lying around here somewhere right?

When she leaves to get the discharge papers I look down at my hospital gown, then over at Scarlett who is stood with her back against the bathroom door, eyes teary and red, against her mouth so she can chew anxiously on her thumbnail.

I can see the fear and pain on her face, but I don't say anything. Instead, I just look down again and sigh, knowing that I did this to her. I ruined the person I love most in this world.

My fingers play with the IV drip and I chuckle, "Living my best Grey's Anatomy life, huh?" I try to joke and it makes Lizzie crack a small yet sad smile, but the moment gets cut short when the doctor returns with discharge papers for me to sign.

Once I finish, she wishes me good luck and leaves me to get changed and leave with my friends.

"Here, we brought you a change of clothes and packed you anything you'll need while you're there, it's a 50 day program."

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