Chapter 19

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You already know what to do ;)

Scarlett POV

I cannot breathe around them. The way Y/N just carries herself with such confidence is astounding. Even though I can tell when they get anxious, they never outwardly show it in the public eye on this carpet.

"Can we expect new music coming from The Rose soon?" An interviewer asks and I look up at her to see their wide smile, shoulders releasing her stress.

"Yeah, definitely. We've been working on a new single lately so I don't think it'll be long, definitely stay tuned for that."

Their eyes shimmer with joy and relief that someone asked about her career and not the issues. Can't say I'm not relieved as well. So far so good.

The woman looks to me and asks, "Scarlett, how about you? Anything you can tell us about Avengers: Endgame coming out next year?"

She moves the microphone to me and Y/N just smirks, eagerness to hear some sort of scoop coating her features. But I know better than to leak information, unlike Mark and Tom Holland.

"It's going to be amazing, that is all I can say. You know the rules by now, come on!" I joke around and she laughs while Y/N just groans.

"I swear, she never tells me anything. Radio silence on her end always."

The woman smiles at us and begins to ask more on topic with the event we are at and we do nothing but gush about the cast...I may gush more so about Florence because she's my film little sister.

"So, Florence is playing Yelena in your solo Marvel film, yeah? Anything about that? How was filming with her?"

Nodding along, I can do nothing but smile at the memories with the younger woman, "Florence is incredible. She is such a down-to-earth human being and honestly it really felt like she was my little sister while we were filming. She became one of my closest friends very fast and she is extremely talented at what she does. We cannot wait to see her play Amy in this film, I know Amy is Y/N's favorite in the novel."

She now turns to Y/N and smiles, "How do you feel about Florence playing Amy March, Y/N?"

Y/N chuckles and shakes their head, "Honestly? I think Florence fits the bill perfectly. I have no doubt she will kill it as Amy. She has the same bubbly-like personality but also the maturity later on in the novel. I am ecstatic to see what she does with the character but I can guarantee even before seeing the film that she will crush it."

The woman thanks us and we head away from her and walk together.

"That wasn't so bad," Y/N breathes out and I nod, looking up at them, taking in her jawline and bone structure.

They've let me and Rose stay at her house the past week. And she has been nothing but incredible to us. They take Rose to school when I have to go to meetings or other work. She always makes sure that we eat well, buys us dinner when she's out late at the studio. They play with Rose and even help her with her homework.

Y/N has been there with me every step of the way and I have been by their side. We've been a team, the perfect team.

It almost feels like we're a family...

But then there's the Lizzie situation. Y/N has been avoiding her and I don't really know why. Every time I ask, she gets all weird and changes the subject. And Elizabeth has been stressing out, but thinks that she should give up.

I can't lie and say I'm upset with it because a big part of me is kind of happy Y/N hasn't run to Lizzie. A big selfish part of me, that is.

The idea of them being all coupley with one another makes me feel sick. Honestly, the idea of Y/N having feelings for anyone else makes me sick.

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