Chapter 40

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You know what to do :) 

Day 45

Scarlett POV

I toss my bag on the counter, then my keys. My keys clatter on the marble but my eyes look around the room curiously.

"Y/N? Hon, are you home?"

My voice bounces off the walls, echoing as if I'm in some sort of abyss. A chill travels up and down, going from my toes to my scalp, then back down again, circling round and round.

With each step I take, my heels clack, the sound once again bouncing off the walls, stinging my eardrums.

Something's wrong.

"Y/N Rae Mitchel this is not funny!" I shout and walk upstairs, heading into their bedroom. The bed is messy, and I can see her boxers and pajama shirt, but no sign of her in here.

Frowning, I walk to the balcony, thinking maybe they're out there writing or reading, but nothing.

Until I hear a choking sound behind me.

Slowly, I turn and see the bathroom door slightly open, the light on inside. And then that choking sound with...a voice. A voice I know all too well.

Panic sets in immediately. I stalk over to the door, whipping it open fully until I freeze in place, seeing Y/N on the ground, blue lips, skin pale, vomit coming out of their mouth. There's tinfoil beside her, burnt with something bubbling, along with a little clear pipe looking thing.

Their body is convulsing, eyes wide, pupils almost so small I can't even see them.

"Y/N? Y/N! Oh my god, oh my god," My voice shatters as I fall to my knees beside them, trying to shake her awake. I pat their cheek and they look at me, eyes tearing up until her life drains before my eyes.

The shaking stops, and so does the choking.

I press my ear to their chest but hear nothing, my heart feeling like it's absolutely crumbling inside of me. My body shakes, instant waterworks break out, and I shake my head rapidly.

"No. No, don't do this to me. NO!"

"NO!" A scream erupts as I nearly shoot out of bed, sitting up straight, looking around wildly.

My eyes finally settle on my surroundings, breathing relaxing when I realize it was just another dream...the same dream I've been having the past 2 weeks straight. It was what made me go see Y/N in the first place, I was scared that maybe it was real, that she was dead.

So I went to go see for myself but then there they were, looking healthier already, smiling at me during our talk.

But then in that dream, seeing her dying right in front of me. Watching as their life slips away before my own eyes.

Shaking my head, I lay back down and turn over in bed, facing Y/N's spot.

It still smells like them.

My lips turn up slightly and I lift the t-shirt on me up to smell it, the warm scent filling me up with ease immediately.

I've been coming here since they've gone to rehab. Making sure the house was well kept and clean...even though Y/N has a security system and front gate and there's no one else living here.

Still, it only felt right to watch their house while they're gone.

Not to feel close to her or anything.

I'm not that girl.

So what if I sleep in her bed, in their clothes, and go down into the studio just to imagine Y/N playing guitar or piano or singing to me. That's normal. Right?

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