Chapter 32

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Attendance Timeeee

Scarlett POV

"Are you sure about this?" Y/N asks from across the room while people continue doing her makeup and hair and helping them get their outfit on.

While people help me fix my dress and zip it up, I smile into the mirror, looking through it at their back and nod, despite knowing she can't even see me.

"I want everyone to know just how much I absolutely adore you. I'm tired of acting like we're just friends. Earlier today doing the Ellen interview with Brie, it was hard to hide my feelings for you when she brought you up."

I frown at the memory from earlier today.

"So, Scarlett."

"So, Ellen."

Brie chuckles at me and then Ellen smiles but it's a teasing smile which only makes me nervous for whatever it is she's going to bring up next.

"You and Y/N Mitchell are pretty close, yeah?"

The audience starts cheering immediately, catching me off guard as I jump at the volume, glancing at them with a nervous smile. My cheeks have already started to heat up, even Brie is nudging me with a laugh.

The blue and white walls suddenly feel like they're closing in. All attention is on me.

"Um yeah, we are. Why?" I try to laugh it off but Ellen keeps pushing, shrugging as an image comes up on screen that makes everyone clap and cheer.

It's a paparazzi photo of Y/N and I getting coffee before heading to the studio the other day. We're smiling and I can tell that it was from the moment Y/N saw a T-Shirt of me in a comic store window, then continued to point it out and say how proud they were of me.

"You two look cozy here," Ellen smiles and I just blush even deeper, remembering the emotions that came in that moment, the joy and adoration.

"Y-yeah, we were on our way to the studio. Y/N was recording, I was coming by to see the rest of the band, The Rose, for those of you who don't know."

The audience claps and then the image changes which makes me blush even deeper as people cheer and scream.

Y/N has put their arm around my shoulders, smiling down at me in the way that always makes my heart flutter. Even Brie "awes" at the image while I attempt to hide the flustered look on my face.

"Aw. Look at that. So you two are what? Married?"

People start screaming now and I break into fits of laughter, shaking my head, "No. Y/N is my best friend."

It's not a lie. She is my best friend. Also my girlfriend but they are my best friend as well.

"Uh huh. You know people have a ship name for you two?"

"A ship name? I feel like Y/N told me what that is but I don't...what is that?" I look to Brie who just snorts and slaps the arm of the couch, cackling in laughter along with the audience.

Oh now I really do feel like a grandma.

"It's when you think two people would make a cute couple so you ship them together. As in a relationship. People ship you and Y/N. I think they call you Mitchansson? JoMitchell? Something like that."

People start clapping, some yelling out other names but I just giggle, "That's sweet. But yeah, Y/N is my best friend. We do look cute there, though," I point at the screen and laugh while Brie places her hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring squeeze to let me know I'm doing a good job.

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