Chapter 54

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Attendance Time!!!

Your POV

I pull the mic closer to me from my desk and pull the touchpad closer, starting up the intro as I lean towards the mic, headphones pulled over my ears.

"Dance with me under the diamonds

See me like breath in the cold.

Sleep with me here in the silence

Come kiss me silver and gold

You say that I won't lose you, but you can't predict the future

So just hold on like you will never let go

Yeah, if you ever move on without me

I need to make sure you know that

You are the only one I'Il ever love

Yeah, you, if it's not you it's not anyone.

Looking back on my life you're the only good I've ever done

Yeah, you, if it's not you it's not anyone

Not anyone..."

Licking my lips and grabbing my water, I stop the track and drag the voice recording to overlay it with the instrumental, listening back to it and glancing at the clock.

7 am.

Scarlett should be up soon. And she's going to have questions about last night, if she remembers any of it.

When Chip brought her home, she was already asleep. He said she knocked out on the drive and I carried her to our bed.

But all night I couldn't sleep, not after what almost happened at the after party.

I texted Taylor that everything was good and Jo eventually left, along with Lizzie. So I came down to the studio, taking the baby monitor with me in case Calliope woke up, and I've been here ever since.

Scribbling lyrics, tossing them, demoing instrumentals, scrapping them. I gotta give Jeff something solid soon and I have a few but I'm not sure which one should be the next single.

When I feel a hand on my shoulder I jump and nearly fall right out, but I can hear Scarlett's muffled laughter from outside my headphones.

I pull them off and smile at her, "Morning boozy. How you feeling?"

She snorts and shrugs, "Could be worse, but I have this amazing girlfriend who already had coffee for me and they left me aspirin on the nightstand along with water."

"Huh, she sounds pretty amazing," I grin and Scarlett nods, cupping my chin as she comes down for a sweet kiss.

Her eyes go to the screens, "Whatcha working on?"

"A song."

"No shit, really? I had no idea." She laughs and playfully slaps my shoulder as she comes to sit on my lap, my hands hugging her hips delicately as she sips on the coffee and points to the headphones.

"Can I listen?"

"Mmm definitely not. I haven't even cleaned it up yet. Plus it's just the first verse and a chorus–" "Oh come on! You've been so secretive about your songs lately. Just one little listen?" Her eyes go sweet and puppy-like while her bottom lip pouts out.

My nerves jump and my heart thumps, but my mind screams at my body for allowing her to have such a strong effect on me just by doing the puppy face. It's not fair, she has me wrapped around her finger.

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