Chapter 49

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Listen, I know y'all wanna kill me but hey, 3 updates in 24 hours?

Give me some credit ;)

Anyways, Roll Call!

Your POV

This can't be real.

This can't be happening.

This can't be it.

People buzz all around me, crying tears of joy when the surgeons come out to tell the families that their loved one made it. People cry, mourning, when they get the news their loved one didn't make it.

And I'm sitting here, not wanting to hear the second option.

I might lose the love of my life, both of them.

Scarlett could die in there.

And the baby could die.

I hear the double doors slide open and a panicked pair of feet rushing closer.

"Oh my god, Y/N."

My head snaps up to see Lizzie with Jo right behind her. I try to stand up but my legs are too shaky and wobbly to do so.

I grip on the arms of the chair and she falls into the seat next to me, hugging me tightly, "I'm so sorry. We got here as quickly as we could. Jo got your text."

Nodding slowly, I swallow in my bone dry mouth and breathe out a shaky breath, my legs shaking up and down.

"Is that your blood?" Jo whispers, staring at my hands and knees.

I look down at the red liquid that solidified on me and gulp, shaking my head, "Uh n-no. It's's Scarlett's."

"Has the doctor said anything?" Lizzie whispers and the doors open again, Melanie rushing in with Rose, tears staining her eyes.

"Y/N, sweetie," She pants and bends down to hug me, sobbing into my neck.

I close my eyes, trying to keep my crying at bay, especially since Rose is here now too.

"Is my mommy going to be okay?" Rose whispers and I force a smile onto my face, "I hope so Rosebud. Your mom is the strongest person I know."

She nods but wipes at her eyes, hitting my heart with a hammer and cracking it even more than it already has tonight.

I reach down and she gets the signal, climbing onto my lap and wrapping her little arms around my neck, resting her head on my chest. As best as I can, I try to stay strong, bouncing Rose in my arms and muttering positive thoughts into her ear.

"What happened?" Melanie asks and I just shake my head, "I-I don't know. When I got there it looked like s-she fell and–" "Persons here Scarlett Johansson?"

I look up and see a surgeon looking around until she spots us and smiles, heading over.

Standing up with Rose in my arms, Lizzie reaches for her so I hand her off and play with my fingers anxiously, "Is she okay?"

The doctor looks at all of us and meets my eyes, "Well she has lost a lot of blood and the baby is in distress after the mother went into hypovolemic shock. We are preparing to do an emergency c-section in order to save the fetus."

I shake my head and swallow, "B-but what about Scarlett?"

"She has a concussion and looks like the fall cracked a rib which punctured her kidney. Once we get the baby out, we can focus on repairing the damages."

The way she's saying it...she doesn't seem so sure. Taking the baby out will mean loss of even more blood, and Scarlett's lost enough already.

"So she'll be okay?" Jo asks weakly and the doctor takes in a breath while I sigh, "She might not be. Because a c-section means cutting blood vessels and she's already lost plenty of blood as it is. So if you take the baby out...Scarlett could die."

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