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"It's here! It's finally here!" Charlotte yelled over her shoulder as she rushed down the stairs with an excited skip. When she reached the end of the steps, she tripped over the hems of her pyjama pants.

"Be careful, Charlotte!" Her mum called to her as she followed her down the stairs.

Charlotte pushed herself off the ground and did a little shake before saying, "I'm okay!"

She ran to the kitchen and squealed excitedly as she unlatched the window to retrieve the letter.

"Thanks, Tibbet." She said to her owl and rubbed its head

After rewarding Tibbet with a treat, Charlotte ran over to her kitchen table chair and examined the writing on the envelope, "It has my name on it and everything!"

After rewarding Tibbet with a treat, Charlotte ran over to her kitchen table chair and examined the writing on the envelope, "It has my name on it and everything!"

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Her father sat at the end of the table holding a muggle newspaper while drinking a cup of coffee, "What's this about?"

"It's Hogwarts, Jeffrey," Charlotte's mother said as she walked into the kitchen and kissed her husband on the top of his head before going to make herself a cup of coffee.

"Can you believe it, Daddy? It's finally here!" Charlotte exclaimed.

Intrigued, Her dad sat his paper down, "Well, what are you waiting for? Open it!"

Charlotte's mother sat across from her as she proudly watched her daughter tear open the envelope.

Charlotte has been waiting for this moment ever since her mum told her about the wizarding school. Every day Charlotte tried to learn more about the ghosts, classes, creatures, and the castle's secrets. Her mother was a witch and a healer, who seemed to have a new tale every time they talked about Hogwarts, and she always recited the memories with wild and riveting details. Some time after her mum became a healer she met her dad, a muggle and a doctor. Although they loved learning about healing practices from one another, they often bickered over how to best care for Charlotte's minor injuries.

"Can we go look for everything today?" Charlotte asked as she looked up from her letter with an eager gleam, "I've been dying to get my wand. I hope its core is unicorn hair like yours, Mum."

"I'm sure it will," Her mother winked over her mug, "We'll go around 3 p.m., okay?"

"Are we going through the chimney again?" Her father asked with a hint of a whine in his voice.

"It's called 'the floo network', Jeffrey, and yes. Yes, we are."

He groaned, "Can't we just go by car? I always get a migraine from the smell of the powder."

"Oh honestly, Dear. You know I could fix that in a jiffy, " Her mum rolled her eyes playfully and mimicked a quick flick of an imaginary wand, "if you'd let me."

"Please, Daddy? It would be quicker if we just used the floo networker."

Giving in, her dad sighed through this nose before his features soften to give Charlotte an adoring look, "Of course we can, Sweetie. I know you've been looking forward to this for a long time."

Charlotte got up from the table and cheered, "Yay! Thank you, guys, so so so much!" She stood between her parents' chairs before giving them each a quick kiss on the cheek, "I'm going to go get ready."

She then took off up the stairs with her Hogwarts letter clutched tightly in her hand. This was going to be the best day ever in her 12-year-old life.


Quick A/N: Sorry this one is kind of short. I want to reveal more of Charlotte's life as the story goes on. I also find it really cringy to ready and don't think it's represents my best work in the story. Also, I will not be describing what Charlotte looks like. Feel free to imagine her however you would like.

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