Another Calm Before Another Storm

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I need a man who'll take a chance,

On a love that burns hot enough to last.

I turned the shower faucet off before pulling back the curtain and stepping out of the tub. The hot flowing water from before left the room filled with warm steam, and I took a moment to watch it float around as I wrapped the towel around my body and tucked the corner in. Something about it was just so relaxing.

As I approached the mirror, I wiped the fog away and started to brush my hair. This gave me time to give my reflection a good look over to examine the state of my skin. Underneath its top layer were small bruises all over my neck and chest from where Fred had left his love bites. You can almost see the trail he went in from where he mapped out my body with his teeth. I swear it looked like the dots on the Marauders' Map and had his name floating over every single one.

What was new were the bruises on my wrists that caught my eye as I ran the brush through my bangs one last time. I didn't think Fred tied them tight enough to leave any markings, but the line between pleasure and pain blurs when you're in such a state of euphoria.

A loud thud caught my attention, and I furrowed my eyebrows at the door before walking over to it, "You okay?" I asked as I opened it just in time to see him use his wand to lower my desk to the ground, causing another thud.

"Yeah. I was just getting your stuff set up," He said with his back turned towards me as he started to hover all my potion books to a shelf above the desk. His concentration broke after looking over his shoulder, causing all the books to plummet to the wooden floors as he gawked at me standing in a towel with wet hair, "Wow."

I giggled at his open-mouth stare as I leaned against the door frame.

"How have I never seen you like this before?"

Raising my eyebrow, I questioned sarcastically, "What did you expect me to walk out of the shower like this at your parents or Headquarters?"

"No,," He breathed out as his eyes trailed up and down my body, too mesmerised to respond properly.

I also took a moment to take in his appearance. Like me, Fred had marks along various parts of his upper body that I created, and they were all on full display as he stood there in just a pair of boxers. The bruises contrasted with the fairness of his skin, and his hair stood messily in different directions as his bangs hung in front of his face. His breath was still slightly heavy, and I watched the movement of his abbs and pecks as his chest rose and fell.

"If you keep staring at me like that, we're gonna have to go for round two," He winked at me.

I simpered at him, "You still don't scare me, Weasley."

Fred pulled his bottom lip with his teeth as his eyes retraced my body, but his expression changed to one of concern when they landed on my wrists, "Are you okay?"

He walked over and took one of my hands to examine the bruises the tie had left behind.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can't even feel it."

"Are you sure?" He picked up my other hand and ran his thumbs lightly along the bruise underneath my skin, "They look painful. Why didn't you use the safe word?"

My gaze shifted from my wrists to look at him, "Beacuse I liked it."

A hint of inclination flashed across his eyes as he smirked at me roguishly, but his main focus at the moment was my comfort, "I'll be right back."

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now