The Three Broomsticks

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I don't want your body,

but I hate to think about you with somebody else.

Our love has gone cold.

You're Intertwining your soul with somebody else.

"So your birthday is coming up?" Fred asked, looking over at me.

"Well spotted, Freddie," I poked fun at him.

He chuckled and nudged my arm, "Don't do that, Lettie. I wanna know what you want to do for your birthday?"

"I don't know. I haven't given it much thought."

"You haven't given it much thought?! Charlotte, you're about to turn seventeen!"


"Annnd we're going to do something for it!"

"Honestly, I don't want to make a big fuss about it."

"Too late. I'm already starting to plan it in my head," Fred protested, looking ahead with confidently expanded chest.

I snickered and rolled my eyes, knowing there was no reason to argue with him.

As we approached The Three Broomsticks, I noticed Cedric Diggory about to walk in with his friends. As he waited for them to enter first, he looked back and saw Fred and me heading that way, so he lingered behind and held the door open for us.

"After you," He smiled at me.

I smiled back bashfully at him before breaking eye contact to hide my blush as I passed through the door, "Thank you, Cedric," Once inside, I hung back to wait on Fred to walk in.

"Yeah. Thanks, Buddy," Fred said with a teasing tone and an air of annoyance. He ruffled Cedric's hair as he walked past him.

(I know this is Rita, but we're going to pretend it's Fred

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(I know this is Rita, but we're going to pretend it's Fred.)

Cedric did not look amused, but honestly, neither did Fred. I could have sworn I saw Fred glower when he walked past Cedric. Nonetheless, Cedric ignored Fred and responded politely to me, his kind smile still lingering, "You're welcome."

He turned his attention back to Fred and gave a courteous nod before meeting his own friends at their table.

"What a git," Fred mumbled under his breath.

"Fred! That's not very nice. All he did was hold the door open for us."

"Sure. That's all he did," he was clearly bothered by something.

"What's wrong, Freddie?"

He sighed as his expression became softer, "Nothing. Let's go find Angelina and George."

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