The Burrow Pt. 1

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Seems you cannot be replaced,

And I'm the one who will stay.

I decided to come to The Burrow just a couple days early to surprise the boys, and Molly and Arthur were more than happy to help me make arrangements.

Fred and George knew Arthur was picking Hermione up early to surprise Ron and Harry, so I decided to tag along for the ride. It wasn't a long trip, though; Seeing as we apparated.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," I commented while wrapping my arms around my stomach to relieve my nausea.

"Hermione! Charlotte! It's so good to see you girls!" Molly's cheery voice rang as she pulled us into a hug.

"It's wonderful to see you too, Mrs Weasley," Hermione told her.

I nodded, "Thank you for letting us stay here."

"And inviting us to the World Cup!" Hermione finished for me.

Molly waved off our thanks hearteningly, "Oh, pish-posh. You girls are family. And please, call me Molly."

Arthur approached Molly and kissed her forehead, "How are you, My Dear?"

I always admired the relationship between Mr and Mrs Weasley. You could really feel the love they emitted for each other. Even though they knew the other had flaws, that only helped them balance each other. They were stronger with their differences and seemed like they could merge to make one perfect human. I guess you could say they did do that, seven times to be exact. They were always like my second mum and dad, and I hoped to find love like theirs one day. Their love and kind-hearted nature were fully evident in their children's personalities. Each Weasley cared for people and things just as deeply and passionately as the next. All of them were enticed by the wildest ambitions. You could tell they raised them right.

"I'm good, Arthur. Dinner will be ready in a moment," She turned back to Hermione and me, "Everyone is upstairs if you'd like to see them, girls."

"Would you like any help with dinner, Molly?" I offered.

"I appreciate the thought, but Ron, Fred, and George can't stop talking about your arrival. Harry also just got here earlier today. Oh, they'll be so thrilled when they see you've arrived early!"

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Hermione checked.

"I insist. Go on upstairs. I have Arthur to help with dinner anyway..." Mrs Weasley gave her husband an intimidating look, "Right, Arthur?"

"No need for daggers, Sweetheart," He put an arm around her shoulders, "I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing."

"Good," She settled before turning back to us, "Of course, you two will be staying with Ginny. Arthur will help you with your bags."

"Thank you, Mr Weasley," Hermione told him as he grabbed our bags.

"Hermione, please, Call me Arthur."

After we got to Ginny's room, she jumped up from the bed and ran to hug us, "I'm so happy you're finally here!" She pulled back, grinning, "It's been so hard keeping your arrival a secret. Even Ron, the thickest of us all, was starting to suspect something."

"What did you tell him?" Hermione questioned.

"I told him that if he was in such a rush to see you, he should go ahead and pick you up himself. That shut him up real quick. You should have seen how red he got!" Ginny giggled.

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