Sicks & Giggles

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I know now, just quite how

My life and love might still go on 

In your heart, in your mind 

I'll stay with you for all of time

Fred's P.O.V.

"Alright. I think that's everything," I told George as I finished unloading the last box of products to put them out on display. We have spent all summer setting up the shop to prepare it for the grand opening in a week.

"Nice!" George grinned as he counted the money in the register, "Can you believe this is happening?"

"Of course, I can," I told him with a playful air of confidence, "It was my idea, after all."

George's grin turned wry, "I don't know about that one. It was probably my idea first."

"Agree to disagree," I chuckled and threw the empty box into the rubbish bin, "You about to head out?"

He nodded while looking for his travel bag behind the register counter, "Yeah. Angelina will return from visiting some extended family in the muggle world any minute now. I'm about to apparate there to meet them."

"Planning on asking her?" I gave him a crooked smile and braced myself on the counter

My brother smirked to himself as his cheeks became a tint of pink, "I will at the end of this week. I'm taking her on a trip for one last adventure before starting our adult jobs. Her parents are coming to help deflect any suspicion."

"So they know?"

"You really think I do this without their blessing?"

"Oh, yeah!" I nodded with humorous certainty, "Absolutely, I do."

George tittered, "Okay, I would, but luckily her parents like me. So I don't have to worry about that part."

After coming around the counter to help him look for his bag, I held it out to him once I found it.

"Thanks," He took it from me before inquiring, "What about you?"

My brows knitted as I looked at him confused, "What about me?"

"Do you plan on popping the question any time soon?"

Sighing, I tried to play it off as I sat on the countertop, "I don't know, I haven't really thought that far ahead."

"Uh-huh. Sure," George scoffed as he leaned back and crossed his arms, "You're not fooling me. I know you've been thinking that far ahead since we were fourteen."

I chuckled to myself. George was right, this has been on my mind for a long time, but I never thought it was a possibility until recently. Still, one thought lingered, making my smile falter as I looked down at my hands, wringing them together slowly.

"What is it, Freddie?" George looked at me concerned, "Is everything okay between you two?"

"Oh, yeah," I looked back up at him, "It's perfect, actually. She just told me she loves me not too long ago."

"That's fantastic! I'm happy for you guys. A little hurt I didn't hear about it until now, but I'll let it slide this time since so much has been going on," George's smile shifted to a curious look, "So what's the problem?"

I know it's too early to ask her to marry me any time soon, but that didn't stop me from envisioning it as I devised the perfect plan. Most of the time, The scenario in my head ended happily. However, an alternative ending occasionally crept into my mind and saddened me as I thought about the only reason she would reject my proposal. Shifting a little, I stammered slightly, "D-Did Charlotte ever talk to you about how serious she and Cedric got?"

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