Back to My Roots

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Anywhere with you feels right.

Anywhere with you feels like,

Paris in the rain.

A couple days passed, and I finally felt the slightest bit of normalcy. I still think of Cedric, but I was starting to live life again the way he wanted me to, to the fullest for both of us.

"Good Morning, Charlotte!" Mrs Weasley said with a cheery voice.

I smiled at her. Her sunny disposition was something I'd come to look forward to every morning, "Good Morning, Mrs Weasley. Would you like help setting the table?"

"That's so sweet of you. I would love some help. Have you been taught the charm for it yet?"

I shook my head, "I thought we were just going to set the table the muggle way like we usually do."

"Oh, that's just something I have the kids do before they're allowed to use magic at home. But seeing as the trace lifted off you last year, I think it's about time someone taught you a couple charms to make things a little easier around the house," She said with a warm smile, "That is if it's okay with you? I know that your mother would usually teach you this sort of thing, but I've been keeping in touch with her over the summer, and she said she didn't mind if I showed you the spell."

I blinked, "You've been talking to my mum?"

"Of course, Dear! She and your dad have been so worried about you and asked if I keep them updated on everything. It's only natural for a parent."

A guilty feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. I've been writing to my parents all summer, but I've been so wrapped up in my grief that I didn't think about how scared they must have been. My mother has never said much about it, but I know it's because she wouldn't want me to feel worse than I already have been. Also, I didn't want to talk about everything that's been happening lately. It's hard for me to discuss it with anyone other than Fred. I thought not talking about Cedric's death with my parents might somehow help them worry less. Like, perhaps they wouldn't know how much pain I was in, but I guess I was wrong.

I pushed down the thought for now and gave Mrs Weasley my most convincing grin I could muster, "I would love it if you taught me the spell."

The smile on her face shined so brightly that it had to be the biggest she's ever given me. She cleared her throat and turned towards the table, trying to hold back her smile to speak clearly as she raised her wand, "Right. So first you..."

Mrs Weasley then proceeded to teach me the proper wand wave and incantation. Her excited demeanour portrayed just how much she loves teaching these kinds of charms, and I don't think she's ever really had the chance to do so until now. It gave me the sense that her kids, the ones of legal magic age, probably hadn't shown much interest in housekeeping spells, "and don't forget to use your wand to lead everything from the counter to the table."

Nodding, I held up my wand and copied her previous instructions. I wasn't expecting much since I've never been the best at charms, but once everything started to float in the air, I couldn't help but get excited. Mrs Weasley did the same, cheering and bouncing while the plates, silverware, and some of the food glided over our heads and onto the table.

"Oh, Splendid! Splendid!" She clapped once everything landed perfectly.

I finally let my concentration break from the spell and turned to Mrs Weasley with a squeal.

"Thank you so much! That was so cool!" I jumped in jubilance before giving her a gigantic hug. My excitement was uncontainable. Never have I ever been able to pick up a charm so quickly. If I'm being honest, It was probably my worst subject in school.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now