The Wedding of William and Fleur

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'Cause, I built a home,

For you,

For me.

Sighing, I lowered my makeup brush from my face and stared at my reflection in the vanity. My eyes shifted to a copy of The Daily Prophet on the bed. It reported on Dumbledore's death and how Rita Skeeter plans to release a tell-all biography about him. I still refused to read The Prophet after everything Rita wrote about Cedric and me years ago, but I certainly heard enough people discussing it throughout the last few days. It irks me to my core that people still pay her any sort of mind.

I shook my unwelcoming thoughts out of my head and continued my makeup. Today is a happy day. There's going to be a wedding, after all! Over the last few days, everyone's been preparing for the ceremony, and Charlie even came all the way from Romania to celebrate. The only Weasley sibling not in attendance is Percy, but his relationship with his family has become estranged lately. It was a sensitive topic that no one wanted to bring up around Molly. They all felt betrayed, but Fred and George had been the most vocal of the family about their current disdain for their older brother.

Pushing more depressing thoughts down, I got up and flattened my dress before leaving the room. While descending the stairs, Mrs Weasley's voice screeched through the halls, "I mean it, Fred Weasley! Don't you go getting any ideas as well!"

Her face was scrunched sternly as she pointed and followed her laughing son out of the kitchen.

"Too late, Mum!" He grinned wildly and dodged the dish rag she threw at him.

Giggling, I looked between them when I reached the bottom of the stairs, "What are you guys talking about?"

Though Mrs Weasley seemed a tad annoyed just seconds ago, her expression changed to one of pride and knowing as she looked at Fred. He chuckled and shook his head at her before chiming, "Oh, nothing."

When his eyes finally landed on me, he froze and gawked as his gaze travelled up and down in amazement, "Wow, you look beautiful!"

A crimson hue covered the apples of my cheeks as I smiled, "Thank you, My Love."

"Merlin's beard!" Fred chortled as his eyes gleamed with affection, "Do you think Bill and Fleur will let us borrow their wedding?"

"Well, I'm just gonna go finish up in the kitchen," Mrs Weasley interjected merrily, "You look wonderful, Charlotte."

"Thank you. You do too, Mrs Weasley," I replied as we hugged before she walked off to give Fred and me some privacy.

When she was out of sight, I turned back to Fred, "So are you really not gonna tell me what you two were just talking about?"

"Noy yet," He answered simply as he took my hand. With his eyes still fixated on my appearance, he lifted my arm into the air, "Let me get a good look at you first," I giggled again and held the end of my dress as he twirled me around and watched in awe, "Charlotte Abigail Hodges, you are absolutely bewitching!"

After coming to a complete spin, Fred pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I linked my fingers behind his neck, smiling coyly, "Well, I am a witch."

"And the most exquisite one at that!" He kissed my forehead proudly.

"You look quite ravishing yourself," I told him as my gaze hovered over his body, "Can't believe you're all mine."

He smirked as he started to lean in, "Always," but right before our lips connected, the sound of George's groan stopped us.

"Ugh! Not you guys too! I already walked in on Ginny and Harry this morning!"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now