The First Task

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So what's it mean,

When every dream I have's a bout you now?

A couple months passed, and it was now November 24th. In other words, the day of the first task. Cedric had been preparing this whole time, but there was only so much preparation that could be done. You only know how these things will play out once you're in the moment. The only person I know who knows how to handle a dragon is Charlie Weasley.

"You okay, Charlotte?" Hermione placed a hand on my shoulder. I didn't even know she was behind me; I was too busy watching my feet to keep from tripping on the way to the stadium set up for the first task.

"Me? Yeah," I lied, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Hermione gave me a knowing look but took the hint that I didn't want to talk about it. Truth is, my anxiousness only grew stronger as we got close to the first task. I kept trying to push away all these feelings to be strong for Cedric, who was nervous enough alone, but this lingering fear was still inside me. Some nights when I was alone, it felt like it engulfed me like an ocean, and I just hid under my covers until the sun came up.

"How's Harry doing?" I asked her with genuine concern. Cedric hadn't been the only person I was scared for.

"He's as well as can be, considering what they're facing, but he's petrified. How about Cedric?"

"About as well as Harry. When I saw him this morning, he looked like he was trying not to lose his breakfast."

"I'm actually going to go see Harry now. Would you like to come with me?".

"To the champion's tent? Are we allowed in there?"

"Does it matter?" Hermione flashed a hint of a mischievous smirk.

I giggled a little at her spunk. I've never seen this side of her, "I guess not," I shrugged, unable to match her excitement.

Hermione took my hand and led me towards the direction of the tent.

"I'll keep watch while you go in first. Then I'll follow right behind you," She instructed.

I nodded to her and looked between two tent folds. When I saw Cedric get closer, I whispered his name, "Psst. Cedric..."

He looked around with furrowed eyebrows, and confusion was etched on his face as he tried to figure out where the voice was coming from.

"Over here," I whispered again.

His eyes finally met mine, and I saw him grin with relief, "Charlotte?"

I couldn't help myself; I had to be near him, so I pushed through the tent and flung myself into his arms. He clung to me tightly as I buried my head in his chest, "I'm so happy you're here," he told me with shaky breath.

Our hold on each other loosened but never fell as I pulled back to get a better look at him. Cedric was so terrified that a tinge of green was covering his usual alabaster skin tone. Not wanting to make him feel worse, I decided not to say anything about it.

I put on my best smile to try and lift his spirits, "After all those times I snuck in to see you before a quidditch match ever since we started dating, you really didn't expect this?"

Cedric chuckled, "You pick and choose when you want to follow the rules. So to answer your question: I never know what to expect from you."

I grinned at him, "You can expect me to always break the rules for you."

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