Untold Stories Pt. 2

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I'll leave you words,

Underneath your door,

Underneath the singing room,

Near the place where your feet pass by,

Hidden in the holes of wintertime,

And when you're alone for a moment,

Kiss me.

"What happened?" Fred asked with sincere curiosity, "I know talking about him helps sometimes, and to be honest, I've always wondered how it all started between you guys. You were always so private about your romantic life. Isaac was obvious because he would openly flirt with you in front of us, but I had no idea about Luke or Anthony. I didn't even know you and Cedric were friends before your first date until Emily told me at the Yule Ball that they used to talk about us. From my perspective, it seemed like all he had to do was smile at you from across The Great Hall, and you swooned over him."

I laughed lightly at Fred's admission, "You think that's all it took, huh? A cute smile?"

He chuckled, "No, not exactly. I also figured he wooed you on your dates and even your detentions."

Still giggling, I thought about how everything started between Cedric and me, "Well, we built a friendship first. At the beginning of fourth year, I was leaving the Slytherin common room after studying with Isaac. We had just gotten together, so nothing scandalous happened, but he did just pull me into a kiss when I heard someone clear their throat. It was the only time I truly got caught sneaking around, and then it turned out to be Cedric that caught us because he was on patrol that night."

"So your first love officially met you by catching you kissing another guy?" Fred raised his eyebrows, "Blimey! And here I thought it was bad that I met Emily because I accidentally walked into the girl's lavatory."

This caused me to throw my head back with a cackle, "I completely forgot about that!" Once my laughter subsided, I continued, "But yes, it was pretty awkward. That came up once or twice when Cedic and I started dating, but we didn't think much of it when it was happening. Cedric took some house points from us and told me I had to return to Gryffindor Tower. Isaac tried to walk me back, but Cedric told Isaac he wasn't allowed to do that. Cedric also informed us that since he had permission to roam the halls at night, he had to be the one to walk me back.

That really pissed Isaac off, and he tried to be all tough and intimidating, but Cedric wasn't fazed in the slightest. So after very little convincing from me, Isaac finally returned to the Slytherin common room. It was a long walk from there to the Gryffindor tower, so we just started talking..."


Cedric raised an eyebrow as he looked at me, "So you and Isaac Nott, huh?"

"What exactly are you implying?" I stopped and crossed my arms, eyeing him defensively.

He wasn't put off by this, however. Instead, he dawdled a few steps past me with his hands clasped behind his back. When he turned towards me, his bottom lip protruded thoughtfully as he shrugged, "It's just a surprise, is all."

Scoffing as a crinkle formed between my brows, I chided, "I seem to remember many people saying the same thing about you and Cho."

The crackling sconces lit the dim corridor as their reflection flickered in Cedric's amused eyes. This was the first time I got a good look at them, and I was surprised to find out they were grey. They looked dark in the hallway, and for a second, I secretly hoped I would get to find out if they were brighter in the sunlight. The glow from the fire danced across his face as a ghost of a smirk appeared, "We actually broke up over the summer."

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now