Saying Goodbye Pt. 2

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So if I can't be close to you

I'll settle for the ghost of you.

I miss you more than life.

Once Fred walked off, I took a deep breath and started to read the letter. Tears were already threatening to pour from my eyes, making it almost impossible to see past my blurry vision.

Hello Love,

I knew you would be clever enough to find this letter. Unfortunately, if you're reading this, that means something went wrong, and I didn't make it out of the tournament. If I had, I would be telling you how much I love you in person.

But since I can't do that now, I just want you to know that I loved you with my whole heart and enjoyed every minute with you that I was blessed with. The last couple of years we've spent together were my favourites, and I'll carry those memories with me to the other side.

I've always believed that there is life after death, and in that life, I'll never leave you. I'll always be there. I will miss you more than anyone else and more than life itself.

I hate that our time together was cut so short, but I will always think of your beautiful smile, and I'll smile back, knowing we'll meet again.

Until then, I want you to continue to share your smile with the world and, one day, your heart with someone new. That heart of yours is so big that you have enough room for two.

You were the love of my life, and I know your kind soul will be the love of someone else's. The love you gave me was incredible; someone out there deserves to experience it.

So live life to the fullest for both of us: Travel, become an alchemist, buy a house, get married and have kids. Do all the things that I didn't get to do with you. I know you'll make an amazing wife and mother, and I can't wait to watch that beautiful future unfold for you. Please, Never give up on it.

Remember, our goodbye is only for now.

I love you in this life, and I'll love you in the next.

Yours Forever,


Any strength I had that was holding back my tears faltered, causing them to come cascading down. I reached into the box again to grab the necklace he had given me and clutched it close to my heart.

There was another ripple in the lake as a ball of water rose into the air, halting my hyperventilation when it caught my attention. It twisted and turned before morphing into the shape of a hummingbird. Its transparent wings fluttered rapidly, mesmerizing me as it flew closer to my face. One by one, its beak pecked lightly at the remaining tears. The tickle from the cold water against my skin made me giggle weakly as I wiped the droplets off my face.

I followed the little waterbird's gaze and saw Fred sit beside me.

"He's beautiful," I smiled at him.

Fred smiled back, "I thought he might cheer you up."

He waved his hand lightly, and the hummingbird lowered itself back into its watery home.

My eyes followed, still mesmerized by its beauty and amazed at his wandless magic, "Where on earth did you learn to do that?"

"Third year," Fred nodded proudly, "I found the charm in a book when George and I were looking for inspiration for new pranks. For some reason, it just stuck out to me. Took me a whole week to learn how to do it properly. Usually, it's not taught until 7th year."

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